Chapter 7. Training camp disaster

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After everyone passed their exams against the teacher, and learning the lesson from Izuku, everything went back to normal. A few weeks have passed, now as Aizawa came into class with an announcement. "Alright kids, listen up" He stated.

"Nezu and we other teachers have decided that it would be best to give you a try on the license exam" Aizawa stated. "Why is that?" Kaminari asked. "isn't that something you'll usually do around second or third year?" Mina added in.

"Well, look at how you're year has been going already, in the first week, we were attacked by villains which left me, thirteen and All might in pretty bad shape, afterwards 3 of our students even faced the hero killer stain, it's not an insult, but you guys can't hold back, once you see someone in need, you forget the concequences that follow and just rush in, i'm not saying that's a bad thing but if you want to do that you'll need a license to do so, otherwise you'll get in big trouble" Aizawa stated.

"Izuku, Todoroki, Iida, you guys didn't get in trouble because that pro stood up for you after you saved him, but i know you guys rushed in on your own accord, be carefull with that" He explained. "We will sir" they stated. "Speaking of that pro, did he get in any trouble because of us?" Izuku asked feeling guilty. "He didn't, he explained he had to give you guys permission to survive and because he had no doubt you guys would be capable of defeating stain, however he was asked to be more carefull next time" Aizawa stated.

"Pro's have the authority to give other's permission to use their quirks, but only in emergency situations or if the person in question is targetted himself, however this wasn't the case till after you both butted in, so they only allowed it for this once since none of you got hurt" Aizawa explained.

"As for the license itself, it's true normally first years don't give it a try, but i think you guys can do it, besides you'll need it, i don't think it's coincidence that the villains attacked us out of the blue, and if i'm right then we'll need our licenses to be able to fight them off" Aizawa explained.

"So, at the USJ i actually broke the rules then?" Izuku asked. "Yes and no, you were allowed to use your quirk since it was school ground, but you weren't actually allowed to fight Shigaraki and that Nomu, i know it's unfair but it's the truth, however i then told them i asked you to protect everyone before i fell unconcious" Aizawa stated. "I see, thankyou sir" Izuku stated with a smile.

"Now, as for now, summer is coming, and instead of letting everyone go on vacations, we decided to give you some hardcore training so you'll be ready for the license exam" Aizawa stated. "Where will this training be sir?" Iida asked. "we'll drive there tomorrow, and we'll stay atleast a week, after that we'll come back and resume training here" Aizawa explained.

"Alright, class dismissed" He stated as everyone was free to go. Izuku was getting a bad feeling about the training camp but didn't know why. 'i wonder what'll happen there, i don't know why but i got this bad feeling that something will happen' he thought staring out the window.

Suddenly a tongue wrapped around his eyes lifting him up and dragging him outside. "Asui may i~" "Call me tsu" she cut him off. "Tsu, may i know where you're bringing me?" Izuku asked kindly. "nope, you'll see once i release you" She stated. "You know this feels kind of weird, being dragged away with a tongue covering my eyes and no idea where i'm heading" Izuku stated.

"You've got a point, but still just wait a little bit" Asui stated. After a while she placed him down but Izuku had fallen asleep so he fell to the ground. The fall however made him wake up. "huh what? i didn't fall asleep, you were sleeping" Izuku suddenly stated as he then yawned.

"So Asui where did you bring me?" Izuku asked as suddenly someone touched his shoulder as he became weightless and floated up a little before it stopped as he stood on his feet. Izuku turned around and saw Uraraka and Nejire standing behind him. "Is this another abduction? if so then i want to protest" Izuku stated.

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