Chapter 5. Difficult fight

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it's been a few weeks since the attack on the USJ, and Izuku noticed that Nejire, Asui and Uraraka were all keeping a close eye on him, he didn't know if it was because they were worried, or afraid something might happen to him, or if there was another reason for it.

He just focussed on his school and hero work for now as he would get to know why they were keeping a close eye on him eventually. It was another schoolday like usual, Aizawa sleeping, Diaper boy trying to get the girls to like him while he disgusts them, the angry gremlin shouting the whole time.

however Izuku noticed Iida was more quiet then usual. Even when everyone sat in the cafeteria for lunchbreak, Iida barelly spoke. "Hey Iida, Something wrong?" Izuku asked. "I'm alright" Iida spoke trying to throw a fake smile. "What the hell you damn extra's!" Bakugo shouted out of no where starting tocreate explosions. "Bakugo can you throw a fit somewhere else!?" Uraraka shouted. "The hell did you just say to me?" He hissed while walking towards her like an angry gremlin. "Hey Bakubro, leave her alone and get back here!" Kirishima stated, Bakugo just shrugged and walked back.

Izuku then wanted to ask Iida if there was something he wanted to talk about, however the bell rang for classes to start again, everyone quickly made their way back to class and everything went on like usual.

After class, Asui and Uraraka looked at Izuku's seat but he wasn't there anymore. They quickly ran out, and found Nejire. "Hey girls, what's the rush?" Nejire asked. "we lost him" They stated. "Mirio hold my bag, i'll be right back!" Nejire stated as she ran after the girls looking for Izuku.

"So are they Always like that?" Izuku suddenly asked as he floated behind Mirio. "Basically yes" Mirio asked. "Any idea why they are watching me everything i do?" he asked. "Don't have a clue sorry" Mirio answered honestly. "Also thanks for not telling them i'm here" Izuku stated. "Hey i only just noticed you were here, but then again i wouldn't have said anything" Mirio stated.

"Why are you hiding from them anyway?" Tamaki asked. "I noticed something is wrong with one of my classmates, i'm going to see if he wants to talk about it and if i can help him, but i can't do that if they are constantly following me" Izuku stated. "Well goodluck, we'll try and send them the other way if they come back to us" Mirio stated with a smile. "Thanks man" Izuku said before flying off.

Meanwhile Iida was walking around UA lost in thought while staring at his Phone, that wasn't anything like him at all. "So, you going to tell a friend what's wrong? or do i have to guess?" Iida heard, he then looked up and saw Izuku sitting on a wall next to him. "Izuku? what are you doing here?" Iida asked.

"Watching out for a friend, so tell me what's wrong? you've been acting weird lately, you almost don't speak anymore, you don't nag to others about the rules, you didn't even notice i was here untill i spoke up and to top it all off, you were lost in thought staring at you're Phone, that really isn't like you" Izuku stated.

"So it's that Obvious?" Iida asked asIzuku nodded. "What happend to Uraraka and Asui? weren't they following you everywhere you went?" Iida asked. "I lost them for now, although i wonder why they are keeping such a close eye on me" Izuku stated. "but that's not why i'm here" Izuku stated. "I know, but that makes it easier to talk, i was thinking of talking to you about it, but that's hard if the others stay close to you all the time" Iida stated.

"Alright, well let's talk then since the both of us are here now" Izuku stated. "So what's up?" he then asked as Iida then showed him his Phone. "What this?" Izuku asked. "read the article" Iida stated. Izuku then took his Phone and saw it said *Pro hero Ingenium badly wounded by hero killer Stain* "Oh right Ingenium is you're brother" Izuku stated, "How do you even know that?" Iida asked. "I don't know i just figured that out a while back" Izuku explained.

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