Good and Bad (Office AU)

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Rating: M
Summary: There's something about James Barnes that makes you crawl up the walls anytime you saw him; most of the time in a way that resembled the girl from The Exorcist descending the stairs, but sometimes... Well, sometimes you wanted to fuck his soul out of him. Today was one of those times.
Warnings: Almost smut, office AU, drinking, seduction. 

There's something about James Barnes that makes you crawl up the walls anytime you saw him; most of the time in a way that resembled the girl from The Exorcist descending the stairs, but sometimes

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There's something about James Barnes that makes you crawl up the walls anytime you saw him; most of the time in a way that resembled the girl from The Exorcist descending the stairs, but sometimes... Well, sometimes you wanted to fuck his soul out of him. Today was one of those times.

Your boss had decided to throw the two of you into a rebranding of their website, and you two were now sitting in his penthouse. Somehow, the dude was super-rich.

" I like this one," he pointed, leaning on the large dining table where the several options you had come up with were resting. When you moved to his side, your eyes caught the template you had printed. It was a minimalist construction. "How did you come up with it?"

You glanced at Barnes' direction and felt heat crawling up your neck when a drop of sweat moved from his neck to under his impeccable shirt and stood up quickly before he could see where you were looking. The town was going through a heatwave, and to your ultimate bad luck, his A/C was only working in specific rooms that you were obviously not entering.

" I checked some of the competitors' sites," you explained. "And made something more aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. Actually, I did that with all of them."

The blue-eyed man gave you a half-grin.

" That's borderline sketchy," he leant back on his chair.

" It's not," you looked at him from head to toe. "It's not like I'm spying. They put that stuff online for anyone to see."

He chuckled regardless, and you moved a hand up, trying to tap the sweat away from your face.

" I'm not sure that's gonna work, sweetheart," he pointed out. "I don't mind seeing you without makeup, you know?"

You stiffened your back. James Barnes was... Well, he was a jerk; to be more exact, a soul-sucking corporate piece of trash who only really cared about money, teasing you basically anytime he saw you and was fixated on the idea that you were 'too much of a good girl' and should 'let yourself relax a bit'. It was irritating, and – worse – was starting to get into you.

" When are you fixing this?" you changed the subject.

" The A/C?" he looked around the living room. "I'm not. When I called the company they said the heatwave was fucking up a ton of their equipment this year, so I'm just replacing it all."

You arched an eyebrow at him.

" And that would be..."

" In a week," he stood up. "Why? Tired of the heat?"

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