The me inside of me 2/2

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⚠️TW: Swear words/ near-/death/ violence/depressions/anxieties ⚠️

POV Rich

''Michael?!'' I heard one of the women screaming next to me and everyone in the room turned around, I didn't need to see what happened, it was more a hearing of what was exactly happening in this moment.

The moment I heard the long  beep from the cardiac on which Michael was, I felt like my whole world was breaking down.
My vision began to turn blurry and I felt how someone was shaking me on my shoulders but the numb pain which arrived in my head and slowly went down my whole body.

''Do something!!'' Someone screamed painfully while I completely broke down.
The tears ran down my cheeks, not being able to get stopped by any action.
My breathing got heavier and plus that I got a panic attack, understandable.

Fuck no! Why?! You fucking killed- no! That's not really happening! No! NO! NO!

I busted out in tears and pushed whoever tried to hold me tight away.

''DO SOMETHING!'' It got screamed again while a whole team of nurses and doctors arrived in the room.
''We will try our best Mrs.-''

I gasped a last time before everything around me fell into a black hole.

POV Jake

When I heard and saw what was happening, everyone around me breaking down, everyone began to panic, everyone was losing their mind, but all I tried was to keep calm even though I felt like everyone else here.

Yeah, maybe I wasn't close with Michael, but I knew Rich and it was obvious that he Michael mattered to him a lot and as a best friend you have to try everything to help and comfort the other one.

''Rich!'' I shouted and shook him lightly on his shoulders, trying to calm him.

Fuck man, you are trying to calm when someone in this room is literally almost fucking DEAD!

I wasn't focused on anyone else in this room anymore, just Rich who sat there crying but not moving any bit exept for his shaking.

He've got a panic attack again! Shit what did his mom told you when you were younger before she passed away?! Fuck what was it?!

''Rich, look at me and listen to my voice okay?'' I began and grabbed his hands to make him look at me which didn't work at all.
''Breathe, in and out, in and out, in and-'' While I was trying  to do something, a lot of nurses and doctors entered the room quickly which began to freak me out.

I looked one moment away and when I looked back at Rich, his eyes were closed but his hands were clutched to fists and he bit his lip.

''Rich?'' I shook his shoulder again.
''That's not funny man!'' I felt how my chest began to feel narrowly and the panic came up in me.
''Rich?! Come on!'' I began to shout with a shaky voice and looked over to Michael who was surrounded by the team of nurses and doctors which were working non-stop around him.

That's a god damn nightmare! Fuck fuck fuck! And I screamed at him

''Do it, now!'' One of the doctors shouted and I heard a loud buzz and a scream from what I winced and looked up.
''Again!'' The buzz was able to get heard again and I also winced again.

What the hell are they doing?!

''One last time, if it's not working this time we lost him!'' The buzz was this time louder and the beeping stopped.

I sighed in relief and sighed loudly and laughed through some weird tears which came down my cheeks.

''Hey man, come on! He's alive, please wake up! Everything will be fine!'' I grabbed Rich by his arm and shook it.
''Rich?'' I started to get worried a lot.
''I- I think he needs help!'' I shouted and saw how one nurse came over to me and listened to his heartbeat.

''He's unconscious, probabaly because of a shock but he'll wake up soon.'' She said and I sighed again in relief.

______________Time skip_______________

POV Jake

It's been around three hours now and Rich still wasn't awake. Neither was Michael.
In the time of waiting for them to wake up, I started to talk to, how I found out, Michaels Moms.
Both were quiet nice and I was really hoping for them and Rich that Michael is gonna wake up soon, he was in the moment in a coma but it's not that deep anymore.

So let's hope they'll wake up soon..

The moment I heard a gasping, my heart began to bump in my chest and I turned around but nothing happened with Rich.. that means-

''Oh my-'' Charlie cried out and ran to Michael follower by Evelyn.
''I-'' Michael started but ended up coughing because of which I called a nurse with this weird little red button.
''I thought we lost you!'' Evelyn cried and I sighed in relief.
''I- I'm good but,'' Michaels view crossed over to Rich and I saw him looking surprised, in q bad way.
''Why is Rich here what- what happened?!'' Michael asked loudly and tried to sit up but the nurse who just arrived held him back.
''He saved your life man.'' I answered and Michael looked over to me.
''He ran back into the burning house just to get you out and there we are now.'' I sighed and grinned a bit.
''Why would he do that bullshit?!'' Michael yelled and his Moms looked at him in shock.
''That's all my fault...'' Michael whispered so that I almost wasn't able to understand it.

POV Michael

Fuck that's all my fault, I did that! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, why did you do that crap!

''It's not honey-'' Charlie started but I stopped her.
''It is!''

Word count: 995

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