Dead girl(boy) walking (reprise)

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POV Michael

I ranned outside and almost jumped at my bike to arrive as fast as possible at the School, feeling the pressure on my shoulders I swallowed down my fear and drove even faster.

I arrived about a quarter hour later and let my bike just fall down at the ground before I began to sprint inside.
Our school had some talk about suicide, depressions and bullying with almost the entire school, Rich and I stayed at home only because of our hospital circumstances.

Hurrying inside, I heard the distant voices coming from the gym and felt how the pressure got bigger.

If Jeremy's really gonna blow up the school, I have to hurry! The fate of all those students is on my shoulders!

I arrived at the entrance to the gym and leaned myself  against the wall.
''I wanted someone strong who could protect me,'' I began to sing sadly and looked up.
''I let his anger fester and infect meee,'' I continued and stood up, this time more anger in my face.
''His illusion is a lie! No one here deserves to die, exept me and the monster I creaaated!'' I sang, almost screamed, loudly while I walked down the hallway to see if I'd find him somewhere.

''Heads up Jere, I'm a dead boy walking!'' I shouted and looked around, the anger inside of me just growing bigger and bigger.

Wait why am I even angry?

''Hey, yo, Westerburg!'' I heard the other students singing in the gym but focused fastly back at my mission.

It's kinda like apocalypse of the dammed though.

''Can't hide from me, I'm a dead boy walking!'' I almost yelled while walking around the next corner.

''Hey, yo, Westerburg!''

A second later, I heard how the school bell ringed and I grinned a bit ironically.
''And there's your final bell, it's one more dance and then farewell! Cheek to cheek in hell with a dead boy walkin'!'' I sang again loudly, this time really screaming the words.
I hurried to arrive at the stairs which would get me at the second floor.

''Come on, Westerberg! Here we go, here we go now!''

The moment I jumped at the first stair, Mr. Reyes, my teacher, interrupted me and held me back with a worried and surprised look in his face.
''Michael?! Jeremy Heere told me you'd just committed suicide!'' He gasped when he saw me and nearly also hugged me but I walked a bit backwards.
''Yeah, well, he's wrong about a lot of things.'' I said and just shrugged and was about to continue walking when a thought came up my mind.
''Oh, well, I threw together a lovely tribute, especially considering the short notice...'' Mr. Reyes started again but this time I interrupted him.
''Mr. Reyes, what's under the gym?'' I asked while thinking about what Jeremy said, more threatened, at my place.
''The boiler room.'' He answered and looked at me concerned.
''That's it!'' I shouted and clapped into my hands while already heading around to the gym.
''Michael what's going on?'' I heard Mr. Reyes asking distantly and turned around once again.
''Got no time to talk I'm a dead boy walkiiiing!'' I sang and ran the last metres until I arrived again at the gym entrance where I tried to sneak secretly under the grandstands because there was the only way how to get to the boiler room.

Shaking a bit, not really excited about the upcoming.
I thought about all those students in here, that they'd all lose their lifes. Until My thoughts went to Rich.

I can't die, he lost so much and I promised to not leave him alone. You can do that Michael!

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