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"U-uhm, first, what are you guys?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, my voice felt strained, all that crying did a number on my throat.

"That doesn't matter!" Asch growled, he started to activate his fire "Now tell us about your world or I'll-"

"Your majesty," Rhys held out his hand, as if to tell Asch to stop.

Asch listened, which is actually pretty surprising.

"So that fire magic- it's real?" Ava asked, bewildered by everything.

"Yes, allow me to explain." Rhys answered, "we're from another world and we are called Daemos." My body is rebelling against me, still shaking. I don't want to look more weak than I already am.

"S-so you mean that your name is Daemos?" Ava asked, I glanced at her. She seemed more curious than scared now.

"No, Ava, he means that they're all named Daemos," I answered for her, I nodded my head.

Ava looked at me, "ohhh that makes sense!" We were cut off by Rhys- or Daemos? Uh-

"No my name is Rhys." He corrected,

"Your world is Rhys?" Ava asked again, Rhys seemed to give up.

"No-ugh, we are from another world! Our home is being- uh- threatened by a horrible monster, who threatens to engulf everything we care about!" Rhys explained, I'm lost.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head, his words sounded so jumbled.

"Yes, so we've come to E-Arth to learn about it and it's origins, to see if it's suitable for us to... move? our people to move here." He continued,

"Move your people, here?" I asked quietly, questioning if that's even possible.

"Wait, that's not-" Before Noi could finish his sentence the white haired demon slapped him.

"... along... it!" His words were kind of hard to hear since he whispered.

"We truly have no idea where we are in the world right now, or even how to begin living in it. So please, can a powerful sorcerer such as yourself, help us?" He looked at me, I blinked.

"U-uhm, me?" I pointed to myself, he nodded, before kneeling before us, when he kneeled everyone else did too, except for Asch, but that's not surprising. I blushed, this is so confusing-

"A-Ava-" I called out for her help, she nodded in my way and gave a nervous laugh.

"One second," she grabbed my hand and dragged us to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind us.

"Th-this is a dream right?" Ava finished splashing water on herself and looked over at me.

"Well if you're dreaming that means I am too-" I shuddered, she shook her head.

"This has to be some sort of sexy dream that we both just seem to be having at the same time, I'm sure we'll wake up soon-"

"Isn't this a little too informative and well uh- realistic. Unless it's a gift from god, sending down five hot demon boys for us-" I cut myself off, both Ava and I gasped.

"Wait!" We both said in unison, "Maybe they aren't a gift from jesus- maybe it's from." We both gasped again.

"No, no Ella, we need to think rationally. Maybe someone's playing mind games on us or something." Ava seemed to be trying to convince herself, but I have a feeling that all of this isn't some kind game.

"Oh wait! I know what to do-" we both agreed on a plan. We'll just take them to the government!

"Follow us!" I beamed, after Ava told them that we'd help.

"Should we trust them, what if this is a trap?" The white haired boy asked, Noi then stopped in, "yeah! Besides, they seem like nice girls!" He gave us a smile, I turned deep red. Ava's eyes widened.

"I-I thank you.." I mumbled, he giggled, "Of course~"

"Wait really?" Ava asked, still surprised. Noi nodded and smiled.

"Prince Asch?" Rhys looked at him for confirmation.

"Fine, we'll go to these humans." He turned to me suddenly, "But remember, prisoner, I have your source of power." He held up my bra, I widened my eyes and blushed dark red.


"Welcome to the government!" Ava and I exclaimed at the same time, we did jazz hands in front of the building.

"The government?" Asch asked,

"Yes! The government is here to help citizens in need, just like you guys, all you have to do is..." I started, I looked at Ava.

"Go through those doors over there!" She pointed to the set of doors in the building.

"So we'll be going now," I giggle and start walking away, alongside Ava. We made it the road crossing before hearing a blood curling scream from the building.

"Oh no-" we both turned around and sprinted back to the building.

"Well this Monday better come now!" Asch held up his hand, which was engulfed in flames once again. "I've dealt with the most annoying girls, and now this?"

"How on earth is he so stupid to be doing that to a cop?" Ava asked, I shook my head. "I don't know... but you know that this means that they are from-"

"Asch we need to strategize." Rhys called out, trying to stop him from killing the poor man.

"No. I want this human dead." Asch glared intensely at the cop.

"P-please it's my first day in the job!" The cop gasped.

"Guys please don't, if you kill him then hundreds will take his place- come with me please just trust me!" I whimpered out, then I turned on my heel and started running back to Ava and I'd apartment.

"I trust them." Peirce's voice was distant but clear.

I smiled a little bit. This might not be so bad.

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