Fall festival~21~

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We had decided to go into a haunted house, we were walking over, I was slightly tense, I hated haunted houses.

I felt someone beside me, I looked up, "Noi?" I asked, he looked down at me with stars in his eyes,

"What is th- are you okay?" His eyes softened, he looked worried, "Y-you're a little pale..." he mumbled,

I shook my head, "I'm just a little scared of haunted houses," I laughed nervously, rubbing the nape of my neck.

He frowned, then I felt something grab my hand, I looked down, he intertwined our fingers, "I won't let anything hurt you, stay by me," his voice was defensive, I looked into his eyes.

A look of protectiveness was plastered on his face, I gave him a soft smile,

"Thank you," I reached a hand up to his face and cupped his cheek, then I ran the hand through his hair, he blushed.

"R-right- n-nothing will h-hurt you," he stuttered, his cheeks bright red and his eyes full of an emotion I couldn't recognize.

I laughed, looking forward,

"We're here," Ava beamed, throwing her hands into the air, I tightened my grasp on Noi's hand,

"It's okay," he said firmly, I nodded, staring at the entrance, then we walked in.

"Wow the bodies look real~!" Ava giggled, Lorelai and her boyfriend had gone in together, so Ava was especially chipper.

"Whats that?" Rhys asked, pointing to a man, I widened my eyes,

"I-it's moving!!" I screamed, the man turned on the chainsaw, I screamed and ran away, letting go of Noi's hand.

I could hear everyone doing the same, shouts and yells echoing through the halls.

I screamed louder when I saw another person, this one was a clown, I gasped when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I looked back and saw Leif, he pushed me into the center of the circle the boys had created around Ava and I, I shouted again.

"R-run!" I yelped, I may be in this circle thing but I'm still scared!

We all started running, slowly getting separated, i was alone, but that's not what matters- whys this blue ghost man thing doing following me?!

I screamed, running through a bush maze, the thing chasing me-

Breathing? Never heard of her.

I gasped for air as I ran for my life, how the chicken nuggets is this thing still chasing me-?

I turned around, noticing that it wasn't there anymore, I turned back around, gasping as I tripped over my feet and falling face first into the floor, I groaned.

I was getting up when I heard voices, "What do you mean..?" A soft voice said, sounding upset,

"I want to break up with you, Lorelai." That voice! Her boyfriend? They're-

"W-why? Did I do something?" Her voice was trembling, she was on the verge of crying, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You're just too crazy for me to handle, I can't keep up with you anymore." He deadpanned, I growled, about to walk out from behind the bush.

That's when I saw someone in a costume pop up out of another bush, "Boo!" They shouted and punched him in the face, he flew to the floor, then he got onto his knees, I then walked out from behind my bush.

I walked over to his body, "What the? Why the hell did you-" I punched him across his other cheek, then I grabbed onto his shirt collar,

"A piece of trash like you doesn't deserve someone as amazing as Lorelai, you fuc-" I felt a hand on my shoulder, Ava.

I smiled at her, "don't worry, I'm almost done." I turned back to the idiot, and punched him again, in the same place.

He groaned, coughing a little, I got off of him and turned to Lorelai, "Let's get out of here." I mumbled, grabbing onto her wrist.

"A-Ava, Y/n, you didn't have to..." Tears we're rolling down her face, I smiled,

"It's my pleasure," I wiped away her tears, Ava nodded,

"No one should ever treat you like that." She growled, that's when I noticed the five Daemos standing behind her, watching in awe.

I smiled softly, "Let's go home, it's been a long day."

We all walked out of the haunted house, and the fall festival.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ava ushered, Lorelai sighed,

"For the most part, yes, but I want to say sorry, I really didn't mean for you guys to see that." She looked at both of us, I shook my head.

"It's fine," I responded,

"You don't have to say sorry for his mistakes." Ava finished, I watched as Lorelai smiled, "you're right, thank you, guys." She paused for a moment, then looked at us both with a big smile.

I raised an eyebrow, "Say, how about we hang out sometime soon? Like next week maybe?" She asked, Ava looked a bit hesitant, then nodded,

"Yeah, s-sure." She gave her a smile, Lorelai looked over to me for my answer, I nodded.

"Always!" I giggled, she nodded, "I'll text you two!" Then she walked off to her car,

"I thought you didn't like hanging out with Lorelai?" Pierce asked Ava, I heard her huff,

"People change," Her answer was simple, but her words meant a lot.

"Hey, Y/n," Ava looked at me, I tilted my head in question, "You were really cool today," she smiled, I blushed.

"Y-you too- you were way cooler! You're appearance in a ghost suit was amazing-" I started to ramble, she shook her head,

"We were both amazing, but I'm sure you're tired, and the guys too, so let's get out of here." She laughed, I nodded.

We were in the apartment, and the boys mood seemed to shift, "I didn't really take you as the type of person to harm others." Rhys said, I looked away,

"I- well.." I stuttered, Leif cut me off,

"It was badass! You really aren't just a crybaby, kitten." He grinned, punching the air.

I blushed, "Ah well-"

"A future queen who can hold her own, I like it." Asch nodded, I turned beat red.

"A-Ava was there too-!" I shouted, pointing at her in the kitchen, she turned and glared at me,

"Shh!" She groaned as the boys started praising her too,

"By now it's obvious that Ava is a feisty woman." Leif laughed,

"Yes," Pierce agreed,

"J-just shush! Go to bed, it's late." Ava pointed to the wall with the red rectangle.

The boys all marched off, she sighed,

"Let's go to bed, yeah?" She looked at me,

I nodded.

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