A Hidden Source

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The library

Is it really worth suffering this much?

"If you're a princess, you should be trained in combat! Fight me!" The prince known as 'Rhal' grew more angered every time Ava and I refused his... proposal.

If you could even call it that.

"I'm sorry, but where we're from, combat is only aloud between spouses." I explained, his eyes widened.

"O-oh! You should have told me! Don't take what I've been saying the wrong way! I have a beautiful wife and I don't plan on leaving my beloved Bish!" He defended, I held back my snicker, trying to hide my amusement.

"Of course," Ava answered, a small small displayed on her face, I let out a shaky breath, my laugh almost sounding out.

"We're here," The prince announced, I looked up.

And up.

And up.

And... up.

"What in the name of..." Ava mumbled, I put a shaky smile on my face, turning to look at Ava.

"It's fine! We'll find what we need and move on," I encouraged, she nodded.

We both stared blankly at the long walk to where I Hope is the end of the library.


I flinched, what are these weird voices.

They're kinda creepy, and if some ghost is trying to contact me-

"We'll get started, I don't have a whole Milenia," I furrowed my eyebrows, tilting my head at the unfamiliar word.

"What's a Milenia?" Ava asked, I nodded in agreement with the question.

He gave us a confused stare, "Are you both stupid?" He asked bluntly, but then a prideful smirk reigned on his face.

"Well, I shouldn't expect princesses from such a lowly kingdom to be well educated!" He cut himself off with his own laughter, I sweat dropped, looking away for a second.

Sure yeah, smarter.

Of course I didn't say it out loud, I don't wanna be rude.

"A Milenia passes after seven suns and seven moons." He explained,

I smacked my head lightly, a Milenia here means a week on earth!

How many other words are different?

I shifted uncomfortably at the thought of being exposed by not knowing basic words.

"Well lets get going." He marched forward, he snapping me out of my thoughts, and so Ava, Rhal and I started our seemingly endless journey into the royal library.


"Sources..!" Ava exclaimed with excitement as she pulled a book out completely, "Of communications." She sighed disappointedly, putting the book back into place.

"Maybe, here?" I asked myself, reaching for a book, I took a step forward.

I felt the floor beneath me sway, I froze.

"A-Ava." I called, my body started swaying with the board.

She turned around with a look of annoyance slapped across her face, "Why is nothing he- Y-n!" She sprinted her way over, coincidentally stepping in the slab as well.

We both let out screeches as the floor legitimately ate us.

I sealed my eyes shut, "Ava I want you to know I love you more than anything else in the world!" I spoke rapidly, my heart felt like it was about to pop out of my chest.

I heard a squeak, "I've had a crush on you since the second week you lived into my apartment! I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner-" She was cut off, our fall was cut short by a loud splash and countless footsteps.

A low growl emitted through the cavern of darkness, I looked beside me, a lantern had been conveniently placed by my side.

I reached over, carefully to not upset whatever was out in the darkness, as my fingers wrapped around the lantern I got back onto my feet.

I looked beside me, Ava had already stood, she held a small dagger in her hand.

How convenient.

"You heard that too right?" She whispered, holding the dagger in front of her like a shield.

I nodded slowly, I responded after realizing she couldn't see me, "I did," I shifted my attention to the lantern.

I looked for the switch to turn it on.

Aha! I found it, I pressed down on the 'on' button, the light flickered before staying solid.

I flickered my wyes to the front of me, looking for the source of the noise.

My eyes widened and my breath hitched.

"A-Ava, I don't think-"

"I know."

"I love you."

"I love you t-" A roar rang through the cave, we both ran to the left, attempting to run from the monster.

My hearts racing.

There's no way this is how we'll die.

There's no way.

"Who made this place?!!" Ava screeched, trying her best to navigate around and not trip on any rocks.

"I-I don't know! What is that thing?!" I asked back, she shook her head.

"I don't know!!" Another roar erupted from behind us, I screamed as I felt a massive force push me to the ground.

"Y/n!" Ava paused her running, eyes widened and dagger in hand, she made a move to run at the monster.

I felt the air being pushed out of me.

"Don't you dare." A voice growled out, a series of black dots took over my vision, I was getting dizzy as the weight lifted off me.

The last thing I saw was...


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