Attitude change♡︎17♡︎

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(Final part)


"That was unexpected, especially since isn't really anything that could get them sick." I frowned, looking down at my fingers,

"We could ask them," Ava sighed, I muffled my laugh,

"You think that'd be possible? Look at them." We both turned around to look at the five boys sitting down on the couch, each of them had their attention glued to the TV.

"You're right, they're addicted." Ava disappointedly shook her head, getting up and walking to the TV.

I watched as she squatted down and unplugged the cord, ultimately turning off the TV.

The boys all worded their complaints,

"Hey! I was watching that!" Asch pointed to the black screen.

"Socky the sock puppet!" Noi said in despair,

"Why'd you do that?!" Leif shouted, glaring at Ava.

"You guys just recovered from being sick, you shouldn't be watching too much TV!" Ava scolded, putting her hands on her hips.

"I don't care-" "Well I do!" Ava cut off Asch, tears started to form in the corners of her eyes, I walked over and hugged her, looking at them.

"She's right, we were really worried..." I said quietly, they're eyes widened,

"But we're fine..?" Leif said in confusion, I shook my head,

"But you weren't when I found you! Do you know how scared I was when I saw you looking half dead? I didn't even know if I could help you!" I shouted, I could feel my throat tighten as my tears were threatening to fall.

Ava pulled away from me, "Calm down, we don't even know how it happened," She brushed one of her hands through my hair, I nodded.

"How did you guys even get sick?" I asked, Rhys sighed, crossing his arms.

"We've only been here for a week and a half, our bodies aren't fully accustomed to the Earths polluted air." His voice was calm, "We went out for groceries the day before and passed my this kingdom that had smoke coming out of tubes, we didn't feel very well when we arrived back so we retreated to our rooms," He finished his explanation,

"Smoke coming out of a kingdom..?" I asked, tilting my head,

"He means a factory, the smoke must have made them sick." Ava sighed, I made an 'ohh' sound,

"Is your world's air not like earths?" I asked them, they all shook their heads,

"No! Our air is clean, there's no fac-to-ries!" Noi exclaimed, waving his hands around.

I looked down, "Yeah, the earth isn't very eco-friendly," Ava said, putting a hand to her head.

"I'm just glad you guys are okay, no more factories from now on okay?" I said, glaring at the floor, the room went silent I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

I looked up, "What?" The boys kept staring, some of their faces turning red, I looked at Ava.

She gave me a soft smile, "You're so precious~." She squealed silently, I jumped back, my face flushing pink,

"How many times do I have to say I'm not?" I crossed my arms, she rolled her eyes, "Whatever," she smiled, dragging me back to her and hugging me.

I pouted, "you say that every time!" With Ava, her responses to that are always 'whatever' or 'Yeah yeah, whatever you say'

I pulled away from her, "Well, I meant what I said, no more factories, I don't want you guys to get sick again." I said, looking back to the boys,

"I agree," Ava nodded,

"Okay," Asch said surprisingly without any argument,

"Yes," Pierce nodded,

"Thank you for taking care of us!" Noi beamed, I smiled, his smile is contagious.

"Thank you for looking out for our health, Princesses," Rhys acknowledged, giving us a small smile,

"Next time I'll destroy the fac-to-ries!" Leif exclaimed, throwing his blades into the air and catching them.

"Okay, now can we keep watching Socky?" Asch rushed, motioning to the TV, I laughed,

"Might as well," I said to Ava, who was still holding the TV's cord, she groaned.

"Fine!" She plugged it back in and the TV turned back on,

"Where's my Princess!" The puppet exclaimed, the boys glanced at the TV and then at us.

There's no knowing what those boys are thinking, I shook my head, and then walked to the kitchen, grabbing an apple to eat.


"Hey Princess Ella... I got you something!" Noi giggled, his face was completely red, but he still looked cute.

"Huh- you didn't have to-" I was cut off by Noi offering me the present by stretching it out to me.

I smiled, "Thank you, Noi," I opened the badly wrapped box, the bad wrapping just made it more wholesome.

I reached into it and took out a plush bear, I looked up at Noi, "I love it! Thank you Noi!" I squealed, jumping onto him, he let out a yelp but caught me.

"I-it's nothing, hehe." He laughed nervously, I looked into his eyes, grinning,

"You're the best! How'd you know I love plushies?" I giggled, his cheeks were flushed and his eyes had stars in them.

"O-oh! It was just a lucky guess." He laughed nervously, I tilted my head, but nodded.

He placed me down onto the floor, "Thanks again Noi! I'll get going~!" I skipped off to Ava and I's room.


It's a quarter till ten, I was standing in front of a bashful Asch, he had a bouquet of flowers in his hands,

"I w-wanted to g-give you these..." He mumbled, looking off to the side as he extended his hands, proposing the flowers.

"A-Asch- thank you..." I blushed, grabbing the flowers, I smelled them, "I love them..." I sighed, looking up at Asch who was staring at me.

I ran over to him and pulled him into a hug, "thank you!" I felt him tense, and then relax, wrapping his arms around me.

"How did you know that I love Iris's?" I asked looking up at him, placing my head on his chest.

"I had a feeling you would, I'm h-happy you like them." He mumbled, I blushed harder.

"R-right, then I'll go put them in a vase- thank you again! I love them." I smiled, trying to get away before he noticed my embarrassment.

That was the first time Asch had been so nice.

My insides tingled, I blushed at the feeling.

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