Chapter 14(Unedited)

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I glanced at the girl beside me sleeping soundly leaning on the window.

How can she fucking be so carefree after messing me?
I clenched my fist and looked ahead at the road.

Soon we reached the mansion and I got out making sure to slam the door loudly enough to wake her up from that fucking beauty sleep.From the corner of my eyes I saw her flinch but didn't bother to open her door and give her a bridal style entrance.

I married her that's fucking enough lucky for her.I strode straight to the mansion and waited at the door.

I heard some stumbling behind me and saw her carrying the gown and heel in other hand.I looked back just in time to see her tumbling forward almost tripping.

I caught her shoulders on time and she looked up with those fucking enchanting eyes again.I scowled at it and made her steady.

"Should've worn a simple dress instead of this gown which you clearly can't handle"I said glaring at her.

She is really clumsy.

I turned around and opened the door striding straight towards the bedroom.I know she is following me by the sound of her feets falling softly behind me.

Turning the knob of the bedroom I went inside and loosened the tie.

"Are you just going to stand there?"I said to her not hearing her footsteps.

Not getting any response I turned around about to shout at her but there was no one.

Where the fuck did this women go now?

I went outside and saw the next room door open a bit,without thinking anything I went inside slamming the door open only to hear a gasp from a corner.

I snapped my eyes at her and saw her immediately turning around clutching her dress in the front to not let it fall.

I went straight to her and held her shoulders tightly glaring coldly at her.
"What the hell are you doing here?"I asked her controlling my voice.

She trembled a bit.
"I-I thought I was suppose to stay in this r-room so I-" I cutted her holding her more closer.

I smirked at her.
"Well you thought wrong darling.Do you not know that a husband and wife are suppose to stay in one room on the same bed?"

Her eyes widened but before she could say something I interrupted.
"Did you thing I would let you rest in peace?"

She just shook her while biting that fucking luscious lips.

"Change and fucking go to the bedroom,do you understand that?"

She just nodded and took her mini bag which I don't know she had with her.

I straight went to the bar counter before I would lash out my anger on her.

How in the hell did she think that I would let her settle in comfort?

If she thought so then she has a lot coming.She is going to burn with me now that she is tied to me.

I took a large gulp and grimaced at the taste but fucking enjoying the lightness.

My thoughts again went to today event earlier.

The moment the door opened,my eyes were stuck to her and that gown hugging her curves and that fucking laugh she had because of those morons was something unavoidable.

Only I know how I controlled myself not to punch my friend when he kissed at her hand.

That idiot surely knows how to gets on my nerves but not only him even this woman had the audacity to blush at his gesture remaining in my hold.

But guess it won't happen because now there is only pain waiting for her.

I chuckled darkly at my own thoughts and finished the whole bottle.

What she must be doing right now?
Probably sleeping on my bed I guess.I have even asked the servants to remove the couch from the room so that she does not have a choice to sleep.I know this will make her fucking uncomfortable.

I decided to go back to the room.


I was in the bedroom sitting on the bed as there was no couch to sleep on.I was waiting for Ezron to return.I don't know where did he go after coming in that room.

He had really startled me there.I know he is going to try his best to break me but I know God is with me.

Suddenly the footsteps of someone brought me out of my thoughts.Looking at the door I saw Ezron almost stumbling forward imbalanced,I immediately rushed by his side and was hitted by the strong smell of alcohol.
I scrunched up my nose not liking the smell of it.

I took hold of his body that was still not steady.
"Here is my newly wedded bride"He said slurringly trying to push his face near my neck.

I tilted back a little from him.
"Ezron you are drunk"I said.
"Thankyou Captain Obvious"He said mockingly.

I made my way around his waist trying to avoid the hard muscles and dropped him on the bed.He sure weighs alot.
I huffed a breath and saw him already sleeping with his legs off the bed and upper body on the bed.

How can someone look so adorable in sleep?

I shook my head from the thought and took hold of his feet and put it on bed then moving forward,I removed his belt carefully so he does not feel uncomfortable and also his socks and shoes.

I took the blanket and draped it over him.He stirred a little frowning but then slept.

I turned of the lamp and went to my side and layed down.This is my first time sleeping with a man on the same bed,its really hard to get any sleep with the fear of accidentally touching him or something.

I turned to the side to get more comfortable position and came face to face with him.

He must be really incarcerated by god to have such sharp and chiselled jaw with subtle beard and high cheekbone.

I saw few of his hair falling forward making him frown,I think they must be tickling him.

I was about to brush it but thought against it.

What happened to hurt him so bad that he became such?

Whatever it is but I am determined to help him.

He is my husband and I will try to work this.

With these thoughts I slept.

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Stay safe and healthy.

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