Chapter 43 (Unedited)

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"I was alone." I feel uncontrollable amount of rage looking at the vulnerability reflected in her eyes. My heart never knew what feeling other's pain is like but it reacted towards hers. It clenched staring inti her crystal emeralds.

"Now you are not." I state. No fucking way is she going to feel this way. I will rip apart the fucking world apart if I have to make her feel safe.

"I know." Her smile shocks me, how can she smile after suffering such brutality. Her eyes though with a painful look but the confidence in her voice sways me. Does she fucking trusts a monster like me?

And as I look in her gemstone alike eyes, it proves it. She looks at me with so many emotions that it is fucking enough to awaken my dead heartbeats void of emotions. Those eyes dense than any forest. I want her closer, study her closer. Somehow the fingers went under her chin to pull her face up as moonlight reflects on her face. I lean closer, taking in her long lashes casting over her red tinted cheeks. Her eyebrows in a soft arc. The beauty mark near her jaw.

She is fucking beautiful.

My eyes inadvertently falls on her lips and I fucking loose all my brain cells. Her upper lips in a slight bow shape but broad and lower lips fuller, they look fucking soft. I wish if I could ...

My thumb nears her bottom lips, wanting to feel if they are really what they look. The way she shivers at the gesture is enough to tell me about the effect it has. I glanced at her blistering gaze fixed on my lips. It didn't take long for my eyes to seek the permission I've wanted to do the whole time. I've never kissed a woman before. Fucked them?sure, but never felt the urge, this kind of urge to kiss any woman before. She leanes closer invading my nostrils with her scent and closes her eyes. That was enough for me to latch my lips on her.

And its fucking cliche because just by the touch of it, as if all the fucking bugs are out in my stomach. I move my lips on hers in a hesistant manner, all my nervousness coming like a storm. Am I doing it right?

I dare to suck her lower lips and the most dulcet sound reaches my ears. Her moan, its low and short but enough to boost my confidence to pull her on my lap instinctively. This is good I guess!Her fingers trails at the nape of my neck and I feel hot all over me. I need to fucking taste her.

I lick the seam of her lips, requesting her to open up but she didn't respond. She is hesitant, I know it. Will she pull back? I immediately pinch slightly her inner thigh and as she gasp, I plunge in moulding her tongue with mine. Her tongue fucking tastes fresh like fruity and sweet. Fuck me but its addictive. Her moans are like a signal for me to deepen and taste her. I feel fucking warm when she tries keeping up with me. Reluctantly we pull away due to shortage of oxygen.

We pant heavily, but my eyes never leave her face. Watch her every expression. Her face flaming red, her mouth slight open to take air through her swollen lips. There is a fucking smile on her face that in some way makes me proud. But a frown settles and as she looks up, I couldn't stop myself from kissing her as it takes in her droopy eyes filled with lust.

I dive in again like a parched man.
Her softness pressed against mine, arouses me like no other. I feel myself tight in the jeans. But my mind has a different way to torture me as it bring in all my wrongdoings in the situation.

She told you a very important and sensitive part of her life. You jumped at the very first chance you got, taking advantage of her. What an asshole!

Fuck! I am a fucking jerk. I didn't think of comforting her and jumped at the chance to kiss the hell out of her. Fucking monster act.

You are no good for her.

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