Chapter 1

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Glancing outside the shop's window I suddenly realised that life is so busy that people are not even glancing at each other and running to catch time.
Being a owner of this little bookshop has made me realised that I am lucky to not have to rush towards big offices.

"LIAAAAAAAA" well if that isn't my best friend Amanda screeching walking into the store.I turned around just in time before she can steal one of the cookies from our cookie jar for children.Seeing my stern eyes on her she retracted her hands back and came towards me with a sheepish smile on her beautiful face with her blue eyes shining brightly and fit body thats because she regularly exercises unlike me who just uses her membership in gym to showup 3-4 times a month.

"What did you do again Amanda?" I know she must have again got into a fight with someone on the street.
She answered with a scowl "You won't believe what just happened, this stupid rowdy college boys think they can bully anyone they want on the street.I just happen to see those boys cornerning a lanky looking  guy whereas as that poor kid was trembling with fear and I just happen to be his guardian angel and punched those guys  which I doubt will again think of bullying anyone"
I just smiled lightly with a shake of head because knowing Amanda she would want to be a saviour for everyone.
"Amanda you should be careful with getting in fight with random people it will seriously land you in some big trouble"
She came forward and squeezed me in her bear hug "No it will not as long as you keep giving me that big smiles of yours and also a cookie or two maybe"

It is true I really don't have anyone except Amanda,my daily customer Ms.Rose and my neighbor with their cute boy.I don't really know who my parents were but what my orphanage mistress told me was that I was found on the doorstep during Christmas eve and while pursuing my major in English Literature I met Amanda who was major in Fashion Technology.She is really an excellent designer creative working in a big fashion house.
I started my own bookshop after a few years when I graduated and started working in a small publishing house with whatever savings and some loan I managed to open this small bookshop at the age of 23 which Amanda helped to set up.This place is my little heaven with lines of bookshelf in row with all types of genres and beside a small place to sit and read.After some months we also started serving coffee and delicacies which gave a uniqueness to our bookshop.I only have a teenager Eva working in my shop to help maintain it.It is been 2 years since I own this little heaven.

After having a little bit of chat with Amanda who was mostly filling my ears with the latest fashion icon and new updates,she left for her work where she had to go to Singapore for a fashion show but not before taking a promise from me to call her everyday.I swear she is a mother hen.But I know why because she knows about the things I haven't said to anyone about that painful memories but now I am over that and this books have helped me to come out from those dark memories.But I think that whatever happened has only made me realise that we only become stronger from the pain and failure we experience in life.

After few hours of arranging the new stock and going on with the usual work while Eva cleaned up the counter while I prepared to close the shop.Around 8 after closing the shop I walked few blocks to the bus stand.I personally don't mind going through public transport because it helps me look into surrounding and feel near the world.Soon after I was on bus I could see the regular night life of people going out and couples strolling through the street,families dining,everyone happy in their own world making me smile at the beauty of this world that despite of everything going in their life they put on the smile just for their loved ones.

Soon I reached my apartment and was about to unlock when I felt small arms around my knees looking down was the most adorable baby
"Hello James you haven't slept ,isn't it past your sleep hours?"
He only gave me his toothless grin in return which I couldn't resist and picked him up to hear him babble

"James where are you ever since you have started walking you are troub-"
Turning around I answered Lauren,my neighbor "Lauren you should let him walk,the poor kid is probably tired earing you aren't you munchkin ?" I asked blowing rasberries in his stomach making him fall in giggles

Lauren took him from my arms and sighed "It just hard with Joe out of city for work and him and my work"

Lauren and Joe are hardworking couple who are madly in love with each other and have been married for 2 years.But with James born it is hard for them to balance work and new phase of life but they are supporting each other,truly Lauren considers me more like her sister.After bidding goodnight to the both I went into the apartment where I straight went to the small kitchen to make my self some dinner and after that changing into my pajamas I went to bed with a book and after reading few pages went into the humble slumber of sleep.

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