Chapter 39 (Unedited)

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I shoved the last lot in the shelf with a huff and dusted my hands before going back to the front.

"Lia you should've taken an off today."I turn around with a small smile to face Eva.

"Just because its my birthday doesn't mean I should take a day off and I guess I've already taken months off to compensate for my next 50 Birthday Anniversary."Yes it is my birthday today and I am really happy that I've been blessed with another year to live.Birthdays are nothing really big thing for me,its just another day we are suppose to celebrate ourselves.But I believe we should always celebrate ourself when we feel so,there isn't suppose to be a special day for that.I don't do any grand party or any of that sort for me.Every year its same,Amanda and I go out for dinner and cut a cake.Also eat our favourite icecream.Thats about it.I got birthday calls from everyone I know this morning.Mama and Amanda face-timed me.Amanda is not here,she said she is stuck out if country due to some work.I felt a bit sad because I spend most of my day with her.Everyone has wished me except him.

But you can't blame him.He does not even know it's your birthday today.My mind tries out reasoning.

Yeah that's because he never asked even when I did ask him once but he responded that he didn't have one growing up on the street.I felt my heart tightened at the thought of it.He has a fake one on all documents that everyone celebrates but him.

I clean up the counter and went back to attending the customers.My regular customers showered me with wishes as Eva kept on telling everyone that it is my birthday and gave out free muffins.
I don't mind that honestly,she has been doing this every year.That girl really has a heart of gold.

Soon lunch time clicked and I asked Eva to join me for lunch.The maids must have sent lunch to Ezron too,I had already informed about it to them.

"Is he always going to be buzzing around you"Eva pointed through her eyes at Marco who was standing straight in the corner with black shades on.He stood out in our small shop.Most of the customer got startled at first but now they got used to it.

I nodded and continued eating.
"He is hot but do you think he has a girlfriend or boyfriend?"I choked on my food.

"Eva"I say in shock as she just shrugged off.How could she say that about my bodyguard?This girl!

"Just kidding"She laughed off while I just shook my head at her.

Honestly I feel bad for Marco to always have to tag along with me but arguing with Ezron over this is a lost case.He is very strict to not let me be without any security.

I can say that I've come to be very close to him in the in a month.He does not shuts himself as much as he did before.He talks to me,we walk in the garden after dinner everyday.I've made it like a ritual to do that.We discuss about our day.I know he is not fully open now but atleast he talks to me about his day.I was surprised when he even told me about his schooling, though I didn't ask about Lucas when the name accidentally slipped his mouth.What happened between them is still a mystery to me.I got the thought of telling about Chiara to him but the fear of triggering him stops me everytime.

But also the closer I get ,the more I am scared of loosing him once everything is over.

Because you love him.

Yes I do.I love Ezron Stone.That vulnerable but beautiful man who has given me happiness even without intending to.It hurts so much to love him because when he will find someone to love, it will be hard for me to move away from him,to let him go.

I shake my head as if practically shoving away the thoughts and put on a smile to carry on with work.

As I was done with making the orders,the phone rang just in time.My eyes widened a bit at the caller because he never really calls me.It is always me who does that.I slide the green icon and put it to my ears.

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