Chapter 54 (Unedited)

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Where is he?

My eyes darted around yet another room and found this one empty too. My heart started beating at fast pace and hands started sweating. I've searched the whole mansion now but still couldn't find him. Where did he go?

Immediately running towards the bedroom, I open the door.

"Ezron." I shake him hard. God we need to search him immediately.

His eyelid moved a bit before shutting them tightly again. Oh no, now is not the time to whine.

"Ezron wake up right now." I whisper yelled and pinched his arm. He immediately jumped up.

"Lia, what the hell?" He glared at me rubbing the attacked spot. That must really hurt.

"I can't find him." I blurted out.

His forehead creased in confusion.

"Xavion" I whispered.

"What?" I winced at his loud voice vibrating in the room.

"I went to give him breakfast in his room but couldn't find him, I thought he must be exploring the house or something but couldn't find him. Also the guards said they didn't see him moving out."

He quickly shuffled out of the bed hastily and rushed out of the door. I followed him. I somehow managed to run down the stairs.

"ALEC." He yelled and Alec was quick enough to stand infront of us.

My body tensed up at every passing moment.

"Ask our men to search the whole mansion and send few of them out right now. We need to find Xavion." Alec nodded and immediately tune into action.

Ezron's stoic face turned into rage as he raked his fingers through the hairs. I know what is going through his mind.

"Its not your fault." I squeeze his forearm.

"But it is mine. Fuck how could I be so stupid. What if the boy ran away?"

Before I could utter a single word, he shook his head violently.
"No no no, I can't let that happen." He climbed upstairs and I quickly tried catching up to him. We searched the whole floor again but couldn't find him anywhere."

The bothe of us even started to search outside the mansion. With more passing minute, I could see Ezron getting agitated.

"Don't worry we'll soon find him." I said reassuring Ezron as he nodded absentmindedly. We were now searching at the back of the mansion. As I was passing by, a sound caught my attention and I halted in my steps, taking few back. I looked through the door and my eyes widened at the side.

I sidestepped slowly.

"Ezron." I whispered slowly and pointed towards the door. He frowned but came near. As soon as his eyes landed infront he had the same reaction as I had few minutes ago. Before I could stop him, he had already slammed open the door and his voice boomed against the wall.

"What are you doing here?" Startled with the voice, the rug fell from Xavion's hand as he jumped on the place, his eyes wide staring at Ezron in somewhat fear. I mentally facepalm myself at Ezron's voice. I was talking in whispers for a reason earlier but he clearly didn't get it and now the poor boy is scared.

Ezron cursed under his breath before clenching his jaws. I sighed before looking at Xavion who had his head hung low and hands behind his back. I look at the water bucket, the small stool, few cleaning equipments scattered around and the half washed car. I kneeled infront of him and contemplated whether to hold his hand or not.

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