Chapter 19

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Socialites parties are really boring.I've been sitting on the same table Ezron left me at for past half an hour.The most amazing thing about this party is this chocolate cake which is the 3rd slice till now.He disappeared somewhere and has not return yet.I looked around umpteenth time for him but no sign.

People are walking around in fancy clothes and drinks in their hand.Few are laughing,few are flirting,few are trying to build network for themselves.There is an invisible mask that many of them are wearing here,eyes that have so many stories to tell.

The sound of a chair being moved beside me was heard.
"What a beautiful lady like you is doing here all alone."
Mr.Moris sat on the table opposite to me as I was blushing a bit because I had my mouth filled with cake.Gulping it down faster I opened my mouth to respond to him.

"I am having a cake here right now,it is really delicious and also this party" I said.

"What?This party is delicious too?"He said while smirking.

A small laugh slipped through my mouth.

"Oh no no,what I meant is that the party is beautiful,thankyou for inviting us"I said with a smile.

"The pleasure is all mine,my lady"He said with a flirtatious smirk and a wink while I shifted my gaze uncomfortably.

A throat clearing came to my rescue and I looked up to see the devil himself taking a sit beside me.

"Ah,Mr.Stone I was keeping company to your wife"He said his gaze directed to man sitting beside me whose hands were behind my chair.

He nodded curtly while his eyes turned towards me narrowing down a bit while I held my self to not back away.

" I think Mr.Stone you should bring Lia more often to such parties to make her associated with all the people"Mr.Moris said while looking at me.I just shifted my eyes to the person beside him and saw him clenching his jaw.

Ezron slammed his fist on the table.
"No"He said in a cold tone while glaring at Mr.Moris who was startled a bit but sat still.He put his hand up in a surrendered position.I put my hand on his fist immediately as  a reflex while passing an apologetic smile to Mr.Moris who smiled easily at me while the devil's glare shifted to mine.

Suddenly Mr.Silvetti caught our attention who was on the stage and asked Ezron to come on the stage for an important announcement to be made.I looked at Ezron as he turned towards me.He stared at me and stood up from the chair.

Keeping one hand behind my chair he dropped a kiss on my temple while bending down murmuring.
"I will come back in few minutes darling"His gaze fixed on Mr.Moris while I still had my eyes wide and cheeks on flames.

Calm down Lia,its all just an act and nothing else.

I said to my self and looked at Ezron who was on the stage while Mr.Silvetti patting his back,I could see how much everyone in this room respected Ezron as if he is a king himself,I couldn't help but feel pride takeover my heart looking at him proudly for what he has achieved.

"You must really love him"A voice said beside me.I had almost forgot he was still sitting here.

I turned towards him blushing down a bit while nodding hesitantly.

Love?Not sure
A little bit of crush?Yes
I admire him very much for who he is today.He has worked really hard to reach where he is today.I have seen him being in Forbes top list.His hardwork is seen in the way he puts himself in work.

Immediately my eyes followed him like a magnet.The sight in front of me made me frown a bit,Ezron was standing in front of a woman who looked beautiful from her side profile.Who is she?And why is he looking at her in such a rage?His hands were literally shaking from clenching his fist.Oh no,I hope he does not create any chaos.The lady put her hands on his arm and thats when he exploded as he jerked off his hand from her clutch and turned towards in my direction meeting my anxious eyes.

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