Chapter 29(Unedited)

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Five days.Five fucking days since I touched a whole bottle of alcohol.I can't believe this would be so fucking hard to deal with.Never knew my own manipulation would backfire me this way.Its as if that fucking liquid runs through my body instead of blood.The need to have it is so damn high.As soon as night falls I would feel my whole body shake with insatiable need for that golden liquor only when I do drink that forsaken smoothie is when I feel the need subside and hold her in my arms.Its as if that woman has sprinkled some magic.She even had the fucking nerves to make me do all the weird thing from meditation to gardening.Everyday there is some or the other weird task of her.I fucking don't know why do I even do it.Oh yes the masterword she uses all time.I am just looking forward to the day she gives up this stupid thing and I will have all my ways with her.

That little woman is slowly but surely getting under my skin.When she told me that she broke all the bottles without looking in the eye,then and there I fucking knew she was lying.The way her eyes were everywhere else but on me with the fingers fidgeting with her dress and biting her fucking lips were all the sign I needed, still I played along to bring the truth out of her pretty mouth.The anger I felt at her doings was immeasurable,that woman took decision for me,whether I should drink alcohol or not?I don't want a person to act so caring towards me when they have their own personal motive.I wouldn't have fucking agreed to her but something inside me stopped when his words rang into my head.

"Sometimes its good to take chances,you never know the outcome maybe the best"

But what best am I waiting for,maybe I would develop a disease and die sooner.Maybe my liver is already damaged and all I have to do is fucking wait.

"Sir Mr.Telesco is here to meet you"The voice of my assistant sounded through the intercom.

"Send him in"I ordered and focused back to my computer.

Soon after there was a knock and Mr.Telesco entered at my words.

"Hello Mr.Stone"He forwarded his hand for a shake as I took it and gestured him to sit.

"This are the new quotas of the company.You can check and let us know about your decision"He said forwarding the files to me.

"I hope this time you got it correct or else you can forget about the investment"I threatened.There should be no excuses in business.

"Yes Sir.Absolutley"He assured with a professional smile.

"Ok you can go,we'll let you know next week"I turned back to my computer as he went out.Soon I called Stacy to come into my office.

"Stacy send this file to the Analytics department and I want the report by Monday"I ordered as she took the file and noted down.

"Ok Sir"She continued"Also Sir your guards just informed Mrs.Stone is coming with your lunch"

Now this surprised me,why is that little woman coming to my office just for lunch.I don't think so.Anyways I dismissed Stacy and went back to work throwing away the though of that woman coming up with one more of her weird things.

Minutes later my phone rang but as soon as I saw the ID,my heartbeat raced in anticipation.I hope this is finally the call that would free me from this guilt,this might be the moment I have been waiting for years.

I picked up.
"Did you get him"I asked the man in a controlled tone.

"Yes Sir"Fucking finally.Now I am going to teach that bastard a lifetime lesson.I am going to kill that person who destroyed everything for me.

"But"All the thoughts stopped as I waited for my men to continue.

"The man we caught turned out to be an impostor"Fuck.As the word left his mouth,I could feel the waves of rage flowing into my vein.How could they be fucking fooled?

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