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I feel ghastly.

My head stopped spinning and I hoped that it would last for a few days.

"Good Morning."

There are two things that I am weirded out. First one is because I feel alright now and the second one would be the voice talking to me.

And it's not his voice. I'm sure of it.

"I'm glad you're awake, Seul."

I slowly open my eyes and my vision found its way to his orbs and there I saw him staring at me. "Are you hungry?"

I wish that I am just hallucinating right now. I'm waiting for him to morph into someone I know.

He smiled at me with an arm extending to pat my head. "Let's go to the hospital, please?" He still have those puppy eyes.

"Stop it." I jerk my head away and roll my eyes when reality hits me. It's a new day. "What are you doing here?" I didn't expect this.

"Ugh, ex-boyfriend alert!" I heard another voice from the kitchen and if I'm not wrong, that's Kibum. Okay now seriously.

"Why are you breaking inside my house? I told you I don't want anyone here!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I hated anyone's presence in this home.

"W-We were worried." He defended and crossed both of his arms on his chest.

"I'm doing fine Park Chanyeol." I hissed at him and stood up. A part of me still wanted to hear a certain person's voice. My eyes roam around my room that was illuminated by the light that passed through the window up to the living room—that was across his room.

Did he really leave?

I guess he really did.

"Are you looking for him?" Chanyeol asked me with curious eyes. It was the same question that I want to know my answer too.

"N-No." Yes?

Taeyong's always that hardheaded innocent freak but maybe, I was the one being too forceful of him to stay away from me.

"Honestly, he's the one who contacted us early in the morning. He told us that he wanted you to be okay—" Kibum was cut off when Chanyeol suddenly replied with a "Yeah."

"Don't get mad at the boy Seul, he cares about you." Kibum ranted out his thoughts and I could sense tension from Chanyeol.

"Don't get jealous, we're already over." I straightforwardly told Chanyeol. I'm quite irritated by the fact that he kept on cutting Kibum. Chanyeol and I were a thing when I was new in SM but I guess, I'm a living tragedy, no one gets to stay. Chanyeol gave me a small pout. He confuses me sometimes and tells me that he wants me back but sorry, I don't want to be anyone's burden.

"Can you get out and let me talk to Kibum for a few seconds?" I informed Chanyeol. He and Kibum exchanged glances. Chanyeol might be my ex but he was still my friend.

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