
527 42 45

13 days x x and o


Picking his underwear up and stepping inside the girl's home felt like a complete new world to Taeyong. Not that he's boasting in his mind that he's quite organized but seeing all the scattered strips of paper on the floor, white wall splashed with colors of red and black, the table with three bottles of soju and lastly, a small picture of a black dog on a shelf filled with mystery and crime books.

Seulgi dropped down his bag and spoke, "Kind of messy right?"

Taeyong didn't want to insult her with her possible 'habits' so he just flicked his tongue and replied in a small tone, "U-Uh a bit?"

His reply was followed by Seulgi's laugh, "It's dirty isn't it? It's okay to be blunt. I won't give a shit for that."

Taeyong nodded, telling himself that the girl was indeed something.

Seulgi walked past him and opened a door near the kitchen, "This is your room. You can do anything with it. Play loud music, fuck girls, draw on the walls or take care of snakes. There's just one rule in this house," Taeyong strolled towards her, curiosity rising up. "Don't mess up with my stuff. What you see, what you hear, plant in your head that we're just mere strangers and you don't care. Are we clear?"

Strangely, Taeyong felt that the girl had so much authority in her. She's really difficult to understand. "I get the privacy though but can I sort a few things at the living room? I mean, I won't let you clean the apartment all by yourself."

Seulgi smirked, eyes raking Taeyong's whole identity but ignoring his statement, "You could also have every food inside the fridge. I won't restrict that."

Taeyong's silent but grumbling tummy perked up from the news leaving Taeyong to swallow, "A-Anything at all?"

"Yeah, got a problem with that?"

Taeyong shrugged, "Why are you doing this again?" He wanted to remind himself that maybe, just maybe there are still kind people in this world.

Seulgi licked her lips that are tainted with a black lipstick. "Can't you just thank me?"

"For what? Saving me?" Taeyong insisted.

"Think what you want." That response gave shivers to run down his spine. She whipped her back and walked away with Taeyong's eyes still glued on the tattoo at the back of her head. Why does she answer like that? What if this girl is a maniac? Or maybe a killer?

As Taeyong slowly closed the door and setting the broken organ down, his mind's filled with thoughts again. It's kind of drowning but he intends to still swim and paddle throughout. After all, he doesn't want the melancholy to kill him thrice.

He started organizing a few of his clothes and stuff but he sooner noticed how the dirt's creeping up to him. Peeking out of the room, he doesn't see the girl. He comforts himself, "You'll be fine. You're just fine. You will have a great day of job tomorrow. Breathe Taeyong, be at ease."

Sighing, he walks towards the kitchen to find a broom but all he could find was the fridge, set of knives, plates, a few bottles of kimchi and cigarette stubs on the floor. He shook his head. "Okay Yong, that girl told you that what you see is just nothing. You're too curious and you're too annoying right now." When he was a kid, he always laughs at how Jaehyun would talk to himself but now? It all backfired at him. Sometimes we tend to tell things that we wouldn't even dare to do but still end up doing it without us knowing.

Opening the fridge, his eyes are blessed. "The girl cooks well." He smiles, hesitating to pick up a sandwich.

A few seconds run and later on, he devours one piece.

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