New Home (S1)

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I don't own Ninjago anyway!

I'm gonna start this short story with Kai's POV. I need their childhood background later in this book.

Most of the other fanfics are in either Jay's or Nya's POV.

Even though it's a Jaya-book, I just really wanted to write about Kai's feelings towards his sister and about their releationship. They have such an amazing, strong bond in the show and I wanted to dig a little deeper into it. This short story contains 5 parts.
So let's go!

These events are set right after the pilot episodes. The Ninja with Nya are on their way from Ignacia to the monastery.

Kai's POV:

It was a surprisingly fair weather, as we glid with our steeds on top of the clouds. We were riding with our dragons towards the Mountains of Impossible Height. Nya, who had packed the most important belongings of hers in two bags, was holding on to me while sitting behind my back.

I was exhausted.

It hadn't been easy to defeat Garmadon and his skeleton allies, but we had succeeded. And now Garmadon had fleed to the vortex.

My sister was everything to me. The only reason, why I had become a ninja in the first place. I had sworn myself to protect her, always. I had been the foundation she could have leaned on throughout the years of us growing up
-From the time in elementary school, when a girl named Sophia was trying to bully her -to the time that our foster parent's dog had died.
Or anything else that she had needed help and support at.
Not in school studies though
-I wasn't exactly a bookworm myself. I loved sports.

And I had needed her as well.
Being raised by foster parents hadn't always been so easy.
It had always felt to me,
like they had never wanted to get attached to us.
Or even had tried to make any sort of a bond with us.

As soon as I reached 16 and she was 14 they were willing to let us move out. And we had settled to live on our parent's blacksmith's shop.
Not that me and she really had known much about running a store or blacksmithing, but we hadn't wanted our parents legacy to vanish along with them...

Our real, biological parents, had disappeared 12 years ago. And nobody seemed to know where.
Even a thought that had crossed our minds was that...maybe they had died already.

Maybe something horrible had happened to them...
but that was a thing I had denied from my mind, firmly.

I had been 5, Nya 3, when the disappearance occurred.
I didn't know which was worse. The fact that she didn't remember nearly anything about them or me who remembered glimpses from here and there.
And as time had passed and we had grown older, the sad fact was that some of my memories had started to fade.

It was a very painful loss for both of us -even though we didn't talk about it much.
And I guess that loss was the reason it was very hard for us to deal with our emotions sometimes, whether they being our own and other's feelings.

We hadn't been taught how to deal with our emotions.

For such a long time, we hadn't had felt the comforting, unconditional feeling of a parent's love.
Our basic needs had been filled -if we had been hungry, we had been given food, -if we had been thirsty, we had been given a drink.
But if I had hurt myself growing up or Nya had been in distress about something, our foster parents had never really comforted us.
They had just said that it was not a big deal and told us to stop crying.

It had only been Nya who had embraced me, throughout the years, until my crying had stopped.

I guess our foster mom had been very stressed too. Us being so wild and lively.
Most of the time we ran around the yard, pretending to fight each other. With wooden staffs or swords. Of course, we were only trying to copy the movements I had remembered seeing our parents doing in our yard, sparring together.
Those had been often playful battles, but sometimes even serious, heated ones as the competitiveness had taken a hold of them.

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