Our project (S1)

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This one-shot takes place between, episode 11: All of Nothing, events.

Location: Deck of Destiny's Bounty.

Jays POV:

It was a quite normal and beautiful day. Well as normal it could have been in Ninjago, since lately, it seemed that our realm had alternately been threatened by the skeletons, serpentine, or Lord Garmadon himself. With the latest one even living with us right now.
   I had to admit, Garmadon gave me a little creeps. And that was not only because of his new extra hands.
He just seemed to be such a weirdo with his sharp, grinning teeth, red eyes, and eating that disgusting looking like condensed evil. Well, I guess that's what evil Warlords should be -scary and freakish. Not to left mention, irritating.
   He seemed to be even more skilled than Kai at finding moments to disturb me and Nya's moments together. Whether it had been in the livingroom -spoiling our movie night by flipping channels. Or in the kitchen when me and her would be cooking, him stepping in for all kinds of things unnecessary. It was like he didn't want anybody to feel or have happiness around him...and I guess it was me who really got on his nerves the most, me being my happy and optimistic self. Whenever I came up with a funny joke or was thrilled about something, he would bring the mood down with his negativity and sulking.

So today afternoon, when I had seen Garmadon leaving from our ship, (who knows where and not that anybody really even wanted to know) I knew I needed to find Nya fast before he would be back to spoil yet another moment.
   I was in dire need to get to spend some time with her. We really hadn't had alone time ever since our date at the Megamonster Park. And I had a surprise for her, waiting for the right moment.

It seemed that everybody else had plans to be away from our flying ship as well this afternoon.
Kai, Cole, and Zane had plans to go to train on another kind of surroundings. It was an open spread, middle in the forest, near Cole's hometown where we had anchored right now.
I had declined the offer of joining them and justified my presence to be needed at the Bounty, by promising to keep an eye of the monitors, in case Falcon would spot the Serpentine.

"See you later BlueJay, keep a good watch of the monitors!" Cole told me as the three ninja hopped over the board on top of a rocky hill we had landed on.

"Sure thing, pal" I assured my teammates and watched as they started carefully going down the ragged rocks of the hill.
When they disappeared from my sight I turned towards the prow.

I saw the most beautiful being in the whole of Ninjago.

She was pottering around her Samurai X suit.
  I encouraged myself first, by taking in a deep breath. I picked up a red, metallic box, from the kitchen side table and started to approach the young Samurai. I walked up to her slowly, holding up the box in my hands.

As she heard my steps stopping beside her, she turned her head from the suit towards me. Her red lips curved up to a smile, her chocolate brown eyes glowing, while her adorable dimples appeared on her cheeks. I held the box on my hands, ever tightly. I smiled back at her, nervously.

"Hi..." I said with a gentle and quiet voice. "Whatcha doing?"

I saw her holding in her hands some plans of the Samurai mech as she answered to me, brightly.
"Well, I was just thinking...Sensei Wu always says how he's too slow to keep up with us 'youngsters''. So I started to think. What if I could build something  to make it possible for him to come along." She glanced at the blueprints of her mech and then back at me.

As soon as she told me her plan, my interests piqued even more.

"Oh! That's a great idea!" I said joyfully.
"I can help....if you want to," I added.
"The others went to train to the forest." As I told her my willingness to help, I noticed my voice getting slightly higher from enthusiasm.
Calm down Jay, don't seem so excited.

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