There were two boys and my one, selfish heart (S3)

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After a long break, I'm back to give you guys the next chapter to this book. Since this chapter contains a lot of flashbacks it turned out to be a very long one. So read this when you have time!

Unfortunately, season 3 and the backwash of it are very difficult times in Jaya's releationship, so you are about to read 6k words of the sad stuff. But I'm so glad to be able to open Nya's perspective in the whole love triangle, why I think she did what she did, and how she would feel after it.

I've used different types of fonts to differentiate what's happening in this story. So for a clearance:

-bold font is just her pov.

-normal fonts are the things she writes on her laptop since she's been given homework from her therapy to write down her thoughts and feelings for the next session.

-cursive fonts are flashbacks. I've also separated them from the other text with this ~N~ "symbol".

I hope you enjoy my work!

Location: Sensei Garmadon's monastery.
Six months after Zane's funeral.


The remote and small village that laid between mountains had been eerily quiet for several days now. That was due to the strong winds and snowing that had made the air feel particularly crisp and harsh in these recent days. Walking paths and court-yards, even the food booths in the market street looked almost deserted -it was like the whole village was at a standstill until the weather would get warmer. Frost had covered the ground like a silky-white blanket. The plants were covered with the same kind of icy hue that looked as there would have been a million tiny crystals inserted in them.

This particular day was again a lousy one to do anything
-especially when there was so little to do in this place, also called 'the sanctuary'.
I had grown tired of watching sensei Garmadon's young pupils train day after day and matching against the few who have dared to challenge me. So today, when I came back from my usual morning run and taking a stab at the training course once again, I finally sat down in my room in front of my laptop and tried to start doing what I had been avoiding for so long now already.

Okay, this isn't my room really. It's a mere place to crash for a few months again. Or atleast it doesn't feel like anything you could call a home. It's just a small, plain room that I happen to inhabit right now. That's how I feel about this whole place. No matter how Wu and the others had tried to sell this place to me as 'the new start'.

To feel at home gets me thinking though...what's even supposed to be considered as a home anymore for me, for us, who live this kind of life?

I had left my childhood home one and a half years ago to follow my brother and moved to sensei Wu's monastery near Jamanakai. That place after some adjustment period had started to feel like home -until that home had been burned down to ashes.
The next place, that had felt like home, was our gigantic flying boat. Which as well was in shreds, again. I never thought I would miss that boat so much. But I guess it's only reasonable to miss it. Living on that boat was where the most joyous memories had been made in these last few months. I plan to rebuild the flying girl as soon as possible, but I'm still waiting for spare parts.
And sure, there had been other places we had crashed as well. That tiny apartment in Ninjago City downtown had never felt like anything of a long-term solution. And the academy where we had taught, well that place only brought me bad memories now. To even think about what was happening during that time in my life, well thinking of that just brings a bunch of self-accusations to my mind.

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