The Walker's Visit (S1)

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These events occur on season 1, in episode Snakebit.

Location: Destiny's Bounty, Sea of Sand.

Third-person POV:

16-year-old Jay Walker had a problem.

He was working on his new and so far most ambitious creation.
That was the protective mechanism for their new base, an old pirate ship, that Zane had found with the help of his mysterious mechanical bird, Falcon.
When Jay had first brought up the idea, everybody had thought him crazy for even suggesting an idea, of changing the old ship to a mobile headquarters. Everybody had agreed though, that they would need a way to move around in Ninjago and fast. And when looking for the Serpentine, flying indeed was the fastest way for that.
So as a result of a long meeting, he had finally got permission from Sensei Wu, to start making the turbines for both front and backsides of the ship. Now the only thing that was left to do was to finish installing the program controlling the turbines, but it didn't seem to work. There was a glitch somewhere in the system. And Jay couldn't figure out what it was.

"Screw this!" The lightning ninja shouted out loud. A little too loud. Considering it was already way past 10 o'clock at night.
He lifted up his head from the device, looking around.
Nobody seemed to be in the control room or at the deck of the ship, as he glanced down from the bridge. Sometimes he was so caught up in his inventions, that he didn't see or hear nothing around him.
This evening had been like that.

He had absolutely wanted to shut himself out from the normal evening hullabaloo, that always went on;
Cole would be doing his circuit training, which consisted of muscle condition exercises with and without weights and running on a treadmill. He was sure he would tap into his true potential by getting stronger and apparently that meant having an 8-pack instead of his current 6-pack. Kai was usually using his phone, talking with some girl he had met through Chirp or Ninjabook.
Zane was either reading a book, cooking, or playing around with Falcon. Nya usually spent her evenings in her room, so he assumed that was the case this evening as well. Nobody really knew what she did there the only thing that was sure that she was very secretive about it.
(can anybody guess what she is doing in her room since we are at the beginning of the show? leave a comment)

She had actually been the reason why he had wanted to soak into the work tonight. He was doing his best to avoid running into her.

He heads back to the machine, sat down next to it, and sighed. In frustration, he threw a screwdriver on the wooden floor. Burying his face in his hands, rubbing his tired eyes with his palms he couldn't help of thinking today's events.

"Honk! Honk!"
A honking sound had been heard outside the ninja's new headquarters. At that same time, Jay had been frantically pressing the buttons of his controller. Nya had lifted her head up and went to glance out of the window.

"Looks like we are about to have some visitors, and loud ones of that." She had turned back to the boys and smiled knowingly to him.

"Owh it's my parents...please, if they start jabbing just don't get them going okay? They don't know when to quit! And if you start talking and then they'll start talking and suddenly half the day has gone before you know it and it's not even..."

"We get it! They talk a lot!" Kai had interrupted him, harshly.

"...cherry doesn't fall far from its blossom..." He had still added, under his breath, shaking his head. The blue
ninja had glanced, resentfully, his head down.

He had been mortified, when she had told them seeing his parents old Jalopy approaching the Bounty. That hideous, funny looking, car of theirs his dad had built from scrap metal from the junky yard. Truth be told, he wouldn't have wanted them to come for a visit. Mostly because his parents had the gift of always making him feel embarrassed. In numerous ways.

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