The Best Kiss Ever (S2)

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These events happen after the episode: Double Trouble.

The ninja are riding back home with the Ultra Sonic Raider.

Jay's POV

"Hey, you go to school, and sometimes you might pick up a thing or two." Lloyd blurted out nonchalantly from the cockpit as the rest of us busted out laughing inside our goer. We were on our way back from Darkleys, Lloyd's old school.

"Damn those evil ninja were creepy. I'm glad we are done with them!" Cole said through our communicator, while munching on his chocolate cake, on The Ultra Dragon.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to fight against myself again," Kai replied grinning contentedly while leaning back, hands behind his head.

"Not to mention my lookalike dared to steal our vehicle and tricked Nya by kissing her," I said angrily.
Even though it had been just one of Garmadon's creations, I couldn't help but feel upset to know that somebody or more likely something, had kissed my girlfriend.
Can you be jealous of a person who doesn't really exist and you have kicked into dust?
I found myself thinking.
And I came to the conclusion that you can.

I didn't want anybody to touch her and especially her round..soft lips. I wanted her all to myself.
I wanted her to be my own sweet Samurai, who I would protect with my life.
Yeah, pointless jealousy was eating me inside. And insecurities, since I had no idea how the kiss had been.
What if Nya thought it was her best kiss ever and then she would find out the one who kissed her wasn't me?
That matter worried me deeply.

And just as from order, The Raiders video call signal started ringing.
"Nya! We are just coming back towards the Bounty" The young boy greeted from his top, the main cockpit, as her face appeared on our screens. Before she could reply back anything I looked at her brown eyes on the screen and eagerly greeted her.

"Hi, Nya!"
And then she looked straight towards and smiled back shyly. The same way she had smiled this morning when asking me to come to the autobody shop with her. She had a small blush dusted on her cheeks and nervously played with her hair. I swallowed.
So the kiss had been that good?
And now the truth would come out that it really hadn't been me.
I wanted to kick that bizarro Jay second time into non-existence.

"Oh hi, Jay!" She said. "What happened at the Darkleys, Kai texted me it was a setup?"

"It's a long story, but to summarize it. Darkley's students had created a hoax ceremony for Lloyd to lure him there and to get him back is bad. Then we discovered that Garmadon had used his mega weapon to create, what you would call a doppelgängers, lookalikes of ourselves. Who caused quite a scene in Ninjago city, it's all over in Ninjago Times Digi news already. We have quite a lot of explaining to do for the police commissioner, to clear our name.
They also tried to fight Wu and stole our vehicle and then followed us to the school. We had to fight them, against 'ourselves'." As Zane told her the events of the day I could see her face fall down a bit and she started to preen her hair more fiercely.

"Ah, so it was a doppelgänger that stole the Raider as well?" She asked stunned when realization hit her. I gave her apologetic look and nodded slightly as Kai said
"Yes sis, but is there food ready at home?"

"Erhm...y-yes there is. Sensei's made some chicken soup." She said, on her thoughts now and I started to see slight annoyance take over her. Knowing that it wasn't caused by her brother's question. I was sure she thought how she had been kissed by something that was only an evil creation, pretending to be her boyfriend.

"Okay, we will be there in 15 minutes." Her brother replied.

"Actually in 17 minutes, there's a construction work going on in the E-45 which makes Lloyd to decelerate when we pass by it, right? " Zane corrected him and glanced up to Lloyd who nodded as Kai just rolled his eyes at our know it all-nindroid.

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