Hopelessness (S2)

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This one-shot is from the episode: The Last Hope

Location: The Dark Island

Third-person POV:

For a moment, an overflowing joy had filled them. Thinking that they had succeeded. The Celestial Clock had stopped running just when finishing the countdown for the Last Battle. Or so did they thought. The second hand had landed on top of the skull-like image and the clock stopped. But it had been still too late.

A loud horn started blaring as bright rays of light crisscrossed from different elements of the clock to each other. A mighty energy flare fired from the clock towards inland. Stonewarrior army started threateningly nearing on them. The boys ignited their elemental blades but a sudden quake caused by the blaring horns and shaking of the clock bisected the earth underneath the eight, just between Nya and the rest. The quake so powerful, that the split seized deep into the stone, causing a big piece of the rock to crack, creating a crevasse. Nya squealed terrified as the rest of her team started slowly falling down the hill on top of a big boulder.

"Nya!" Jay's aghast voice called to her girlfriend. His eyes full of worry, trying to think of ways to get to her, but there was none since they kept sliding down.

"Jay!" She replied back to him, helplessly with open arms as to try to get to him.

"Sis!" Kai shouted to his sister.
Nya shrieked when general Kozu's heavily armored hand seized her. Her eyes widened in shock as she tried to free herself from his hard grip, biting her teeth together, brows furrowed.

The lightning ninja's deep blue eyes flickered in fury and his lips vibrated in anger seeing his beloved detained so.
"Let her go!" He growled behind his teeth, his brows frowning as he shook his blade.
For a moment, Nya's heart and stomach pooled with warmth to see her boyfriend defy the enemy so, but then she got worried as the grip on Kozu's arm tightened around her.

"Or what? You will make a big splash?" The stone warrior challenged, unfazed.

"The ground!" Cole shouted in panic as the boulder completely cracked from the mountain and they fell backwards towards the water underneath them.

"No, no!" Over other's screaming and shouting, Nya heard Jay's panicked voice shout as she saw her team falling to the Endless Sea.
The young Samurai let out a shocked gasp and a whine while Kozu balefully laughed next to her ear.

Please be okay.
Come on guys, surface already.
She thought while shaking her head in disbelief of the events going on.

After falling headfirst to the sea, Jay swiftly opened his eyes underwater, exhaling water out in bubbles as he started swimming, pulling himself towards the surface. A loud gasp came out of his mouth as he emerged from the water, one of the first ones from the team. He stood up helping Misako to dry land as his gi hung drenched and weighting like a ton with his armor. Everybody coughed and breathed heavily. Soon enough, only Lloyd was in the water, pulled up by Wu.
Again, Nya's scream was heard from the top of the mountain as she tried to free herself from the goon's arms. Everybody glanced worrily towards the sound.

"This is all my fault. I should've taken the shot" 
Lloyd said broken, his shoulders slumped, and hands fallen down.

Jay pulled his eyes away from the mountain forcibly and hopelessness filled him with his crestfallen face. Cole walked to the green ninja, placing his arm on his shoulder comfortingly.

"We're all at fault, kid. It's just the way the cookie crumbled." 

Just the way the cookie crumbled!? 

The lightning ninja's face changed from defeated to annoyed in milliseconds as he heard his best friend's words. Jay shook his head quickly while pressing his teeth together in frustration.

"Ah! Are you still making jokes?" He pointed accusingly with his index finger at the earth ninja.
"They have Nya!" As the gears of Jay's temper rose, he pointed briskly towards the ledge and back at Cole, speaking with his hands.
"And you're making jokes!?"
Jay snarled.

And with a big push to his chest and a leap, he tackled his best friend on the ground. Both grunting as the blue ninja fought to get the black ninja's resisting hands off of him and restrain them on the ground. Even with his superhuman strength, he was baffled by the power that Jay could harness to try to tame him down when he had this big motivation. And as he was so shocked by this foray it made him not to be able to muster all the strength that he had, giving Jay more easily the upper hand than it usually would.

On top of the ledge, Nya stared appalled at the scene that unraveled underneath her eyes; Cole obviously comforting Lloyd until, suddenly, Jay marched towards them, pointing with his hand accusingly to Cole and then up towards where she was, gesturing with his hands fiercely as he said something.
And then...he jumped on him!
Like a mad man, fighting against Cole's strong hands, trying to push him to the ground!

Nya couldn't understand any of it. She was being captured, the guys had barely survived from the fall, and now these two idiots where fighting!?

She shook her head, not making any sense of it. Hoping she could be there on the shore, giving them a piece of her mind. Until she saw Jay's hand lifting up, ready for a punch.

"No Jay! What are you doing!?" She shouted while fighting against Kozu's hold, who pressed his hard and sharp armor around her more tightly making her wince in pain.

"Seems that some of them might finish each other before we get to them."

Nya's crankiness mixed with hopelessness as she swore to remind the guys from this later when she would meet them again. She didn't know yet how, but she swore to herself that somehow she would escape.

"It was just a poor choice of words!"

As Cole got the words out, struggling underneath his blue-clad friend, the frustration and fear for Nya's safety clouded Jay's mind. He lifted his fist up, ready for a punch. Sensei's demanding voice made his hand stop and stay on raised position. The lightning ninja's eyes blinked, as in being on a haze, realizing that he was really about to punch his best friend just because of some few thoughtless words. He turned his gaze on his Sensei, embarrassed that he had lost his temper so.

"Enough! We have lost enough. We don't need to lose our focus."

Slowly Jay lifted himself off from the black ninja, looking down at him apologetic. While still frustrated, he hunched his shoulders and balled his fists.

"I'm sorry." He mouthed quietly to his best friend.

"No problem," Cole said back quietly as well as Jay helped to pull him back standing.

"Forget focus. We have to get my sister." Kai stated impatiently gesturing towards the mountain.

"By the time we get back up there, they'll be gone. We will get your sister, but the clock has reached zero and the Final Battle could start at any moment. We must head back to the Bounty to get prepared, so that next time, you will not hesitate." Misako said looking at the top and then to his son.

"Come on, Lloyd. Let's go home. You will get your chance." Wu consoled his nephew as everybody started walking away from the beach towards where Bounty was hidden.

Jay clanged at them leaving and down on the grown, sadly. Feeling defeated and hopeless. He had failed her.
He had sworn himself always to protect her.

Glancing concerned up to the ledge one last time still, he couldn't keep thinking.

When will I get my chance to save you Nya?

Despair struck him at the thought of what Garmadon and Overlord would do to her now when she was their prisoner.

I will save you Nya. I promise you.
One way or another.

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