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 Kasey's POV

I woke up in what looked like a hospital bed, looked around and saw that Vanoss was slouched forward on the bed holding my left hand softly stroking it with his thumb. on the right was Delirious, who was running his hand softly across the many many scars on my arm. I could see Delirious' perfect ocean blue eyes filled with concern and worry. a touch of pink spread across my face. Vanoss looked up and "Kasey!" he shouted sounding relived. " i?" I groaned at the pain in my chest and stomach. "you're at the hospital" Delirious explained. "your dad's on his way." I paused then gripped their hands. "i..i.." I stop. why cant i say anything? why cant i tell them!? i'm pathetic." I thought to myself. "hey, hey. If its about liking us, it's ok. we know. we've known for a wile now." Vanoss comforted. "yea. it was kinda obvious." Delirious laughed and dried my tears with his sleeve then cupped my cheek in his hand. I smiled and placed my own hand over Delirious'.

Ryan's yelling could be heard all the way down the hall. I winced as i sat up. "d-dad?" Ryan flew the door open and ran in. he was dressed in full uniform and all. "Kasey!!" he ran over and held me close. "d-dad?!" "don't worry son. Mini told me what happened. he found out through your friend Wildcat. i'll have another talk with the school. those kids wont hurt you anymore." he looked at Vanoss and Delirious."but i need to have a word with you two." they both nodded and all three walked out. when Ryan closed the door and i was all alone, that's when....they...started. at first they were nothing. whispers in the back of my head. but soon they got stronger and louder.



you'll be nothing. they don't love you. they're only doing it for the popularity.

they got louder. so loud i couldn't even hear myself scream and once again i was swallowed in darkness. 


I awoke again to the sound of Ryan's loud snoring with his head in my lap. Mini was softly snoring with his arms around me. his eyes stained with tears along with the pillow. I put my hand on Mini's arm and softly rubbed it. I then put my other hand on ryan's head careful not to wake him up. looking at the clock i could see it was around two o'clock. I was surprised that the hospital let Ryan and Mini stay this long. I couldn't hear the voices so i just snuggled up closer to mini. mini stirred in his sleep. "k-Kasey?" he mumbled. "yea. i'm here. don't wake up dad. just go back to sleep." I smiled. mini yawned "i love youuu" he trailed off  then fell back to sleep. "love you too mini." I smiled more then fell asleep.

~time skip~

the doctor said i was well enough to go home. so i was escorted home by Delirious and Vanoss. We had been together for a week now. Mini was hanging out with Wildcat and Lui and Ryan was at work so the three of us had the house to ourselves. I still didn't tell them about the voices.

they don't love you

you're pathetic

they're just using you.

you're nothing. 

My eyes watered. "hey hey. what's wrong?" Delirious sat down next to me and held me. Vanoss kissed my cheek. "come on. what are you crying for?" "n-nothing" i wiped my eyes. "i'm fine."

but i was far from fine. 


finnaly! it's done! next chapter! 

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