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Kasey's pov

being with my mom and dad again was amazing. it was like being a little kid all over again! mom would pick me up and hold me in his arms. yes my mom is a guy. problem? don't care. he's really special to me like my dad. they were always there and supportive of me when i was little. we spent so much time together, we had so many fun days i wish i could have done more of with them. i mean they died when i was little. they went on a case and i found out later that day that they had both been killed. i cried for i don't know how long. all i know is that it was a lot.

i pushed those thoughts out of my mind and focused only on what was going on right now. my mom's arms were really warm and cozy. his soft singing is soothing to me and he has his wings wrapped around me. he was singing me an Irish lullaby. one i haven't heard in so long. i missed it so much. i missed them so much. i snuggled closer to him and listened ti him sing. many people are jealous of his voice. and even when mom was gone they were still jealous. i thought it was funny. my mom could out-sing anybody!

mom was wearing a big baggy sweater and holding me close as i was laying on him with my head on his chest. dad watching the windows making sure the thing didn't come back. i felt so much safer and warm, and i wasn't scared anymore. that creature was horrifying! and i noticed that it's features matched to that of Mandy's. did that thing take her form as a way to scare me? there were so many questions running through my head that my head felt like it was gonna burst. 

i heard the sound of glass breaking and somebody curse under their breath. the figure comes walking into the room. at first i dont recognize him. "mom...who's that?" i asked. Mom looked down at me and smiles. "somebody who's been looking forward to seeing you for a very long time." he lets me stand up. i look the figure up and down. "who are  you?" i ask. sounding a little nervous. the figure steps out of the shadows and walks over to me. "forgotten me already?" he smiles. 


Delirious' pov

ok. two memories down. two more to go. during our searching we discovered a giant door with four "locks" i guess you could say. it had a small furnace looking thing where we could put the memories when we found them. Vanoss saw it best to find all the memories first before we open the door. i could feel that we are getting closer and closer to finding Kasey and getting out of here. we haven't run into that creature yet.

we had been walking and sneaking around for forever! Mini had gotten tired and was being carried by wildcat. every few hours or so we would find another member of the gang. it was weird. were we all here? "look! another memory!" moo squealed and ran over to it. vanoss looked at it and smiled. he may be smiling on the outside but his eyes are filled with hurt and loss. deep down he looked sad.

i tried my best to comfort him. but he was just lost in the features of the memory. i remember this memory because it was a recent one. it was that day on Christmas where we were riding in the truck and we rolled off the mountain. Kasey let out the most adorable giggle either of us had ever heard. i noticed that the object that came with this memory was a Christmas hat we got Kasey that week. 

i smiled at it and remembered more. then the memory spoke. "look delirious! look! doesn't it fit me? *giggle* thank you so much!!" i felt tears slide down my cheeks under my mask. i took the hat and the memory faded. we were now one step closer. "there's the last one!" Mini shouted and pointed to it. vanoss and i raced over to it. 

Vanoss' pov

a necklace. i wasn't surprised. i figured at least one of them had to be a necklace. "he truly is beautiful isn't he?" Teddy sighed. "i'm glad i could help him when he needed it." i smiled at that and reached out to take the necklace. when i did we heard the sound of the creature stomping toward us.

we all ran down the hall to escape it. teddy was yelling directions and we made it to a door. i reached out and opened it and we all piled in. we didn't notice the pipe and we all fell down it. landing in a heap in front of the door we found earlier. "that was close!" Basically shouted as he helped some of the others up. "too close." wildcat groaned as he rubbed his back. "hey, we have all the memories. we can finally open this door!" teddy smiled and hopped down. i was getting butterflies. we were so close i could feel it! 

Delirious and i set each memory in the correct spot one at a time. and when we finally got all them in the door opened and a bright light filled the room. i shielded my eyes like the other's as we entered through the door and were greeted to the inside of a..house? this place seemed different than before, there was light everywhere and it seemed happy and cheerful. as i walked to the living room of the house, there i saw him. fast asleep on the couch.he was wearing a white silk nightgown. it looked good on him. 

i sprinted over and knelt down to him. "Kasey..Kasey" i whispered wanting him to wake up. "shh. let him sleep. he's had a rough day." a voice quieted us all. "who are you?" i ask. the voice just chuckles and he walks fully into the room. "you guy's forgot too eh?" he laughed. my eyes went wide and i thought my jaw was gonna hit the floor.


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