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Kasy's P.O.V 

it had been a long night. i got so many fist bumps and pats on the back for my success on my first mission. i sit up and crawl over a sleeping Jonathan. before i put on my mask i plant a kiss on his forehead. sliding my mask on i pulled on some baggy jeans and a tank top. no rest for the wicked because as soon as i got to the kitchen i discover not only did we have another mision tonight but the guys had thrown one hell of a party. the kitchen and dinning room was a disaster! i just cleaned the place. "oh HELL no." i growled and picked up a ruler. i walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan. taking the ruler i start smacking the pan with it. everybody in the room woke up in a panic. glaring at all of them i crossed my arms and locked my leg. "....shit" Wildcat muttered. "not the leg lock!" Lui whined and hid behind Basically. the guys get scared when i do the leg lock. they always have. even when we were little. "..look Kasey. we know we made a mess. we'll start cleaning it up now." Nogla smiled in a soothing way. tapping my foot i try to hold back a smirk. i hug Nogla and they all start cleaning up. 

soon Evan and Jonathan both wake up and walk down. "alright boys. lets do this." Evan sounded really serious. this must be a big one. after the guys had cleaned up the room and put everything away we all gathered around the table most of us looked pretty hyped up. Evan spoke up and we all went silent "alright. how this is gonna go down" he paused, dragged me over and put his arm around my waist sliding his thumb in one of my belt loops. i crossed my arms rolled my eyes then looked at the table where a map of Los Santos sits so Evan can use it as a referance, before he spoke up again. "Mini, Wildcat, you guys will be the ones to distract the driver then snag the  armored truck where you'll meet up here with Lui." he pointed to a spot on a map the area he chose was somewhere in the mountians outside of the city. "Lui. you and Basically will loop around back into the werehouse and get a Cargobob where you'll meet with Wildcat and Mini and latch onto the truck. after that, if you have to, call Lester and set a meeting point to drop off the truck and loose the cops. Moo. you, Terroriser and Cartoonz make sure that the coast clear when i ask, you'll also be our snipers. and finaly, Kasey." he paused before looking at me and tugging on my belt loop to get my attention. "you come with me and Delirious. we'll be in the getaway car by the cliffs here." he points to the map again. "and we'll also be back up in case the others need it. so stock up on C4s and grenades" i felt butterflies in my stomach. i've been on a mission, but this one is making me pretty nervous it's a pretty big deal and i've never gone on one with Evan and Jonathan. so i just nodded in response. i looked around for Jonathan. when found him, he was arm wrestling Basically, i giggled at his attempt. "i think i got it. i think i got it. i think i got it motherfucker. i think i got it motherfucker!" he shouted this caused me to giggle more. in the end he lost. i looked back to see that Evan had finished explaining everything and we all started packing up to start the mission. 

we were all in our positions and were waiting for the others in a car on a cliff. it was getting dark and so far everything was going pretty well. Wildcat and Mini had gotten the truck and were waiting for Lui and Basically. i was holding an AK in my hands and had my head in Jonathan's lap looking up at him. he saw me staring and he bent forward and bumped foreheads with me. that has become our thing now. me and Jonathan have our way of greeting each other and me and Evan have our own way. mine and Evan's is that we'll hug and butterfly kiss. but me and Jonathan bump foreheads and just nuzzle. after a wile our nuzzling it kinda....turned into a full on make-out session. i was sitting on Jonathan's lap with my arms around his neck. he had his arms tightly around my waist. "hey! dont get too comfortable back there without me." Evan chuckled. the two of us stopped kissing because Jonathan couldnt stop giggling. soon we heard screaming over the walkie that Evan had. "huh?" i looked back at him. he looked a little worried "woah woah Moo slow down. what happened? ..ok. we're on our way!" Evan dropped his walkie and before i could blink we were speeding down the mountain. i screamed and gripped Jonathan tighter. after what felt like forever of psychotic driving we screeched to a halt and jonathan and i flew out of the seat and right into the dashboard, we both groaned. Evan bolted out of the car and ran over to Moo and Terroriser. 

"is she ok?! what happened?! how the hell did they find her!!" he screamed. i crawled out of the car and walked over. "Vanoss, what's wrong?" i asked carefully. i didn't want to upset him more. in his arms was a little girl. she looked about 14, 15 years old and had long white curly hair that was almost as long as she was tall. she was dressed in a white button up shirt with rolled up sleeves and blue jeans. she also had a white fedora with a blue stripe. one of her eyes was ocean blue like Jonathan's the other was hidden under her hair. "fallen! fallen!" Evan yelled lightly shaking the girl. Jonathan put his arms around me to hold me back a little. "that's little Fallen Fong. Vanoss' little sister, he cares for her a lot. they've been pretty close. every since they were little. he mostly took care of her. he watched her all the time." he explained. "oh my god." i put a hand over my mouth and looked back at Evan. he was still holding Fallen and there were tears in his eyes. that ripped a hole in my chest. seeing Evan or Jonathan cry just breaks my heart. Fallen's body twitched and she groaned before opening her eye and Evan breathed out a sigh of relief. Jonathan let go of me and the two of us ran over and knelt in front of Evan. i dried his cheeks and kissed his forehead. Fallen was staring at me with curiosity in her eye. i looked down at her and wave "hello. i'm Kasey." i smiled "and this is-H20DELIRIOUS!!!" Fallen screeched loudly. "are you a fan?" Jonathan chuckled as he asked. fallen nodded. getting out of Evan's arms she jumped and hugged Jonathan. Evan laughed and i tried to stop my ears from ringing. this little girl really has a pair of lungs!! 

after waiting a wile Lui and the others showed up. the mission was a success. "did you get the money?" Evan asked. "yea! but we had to call Lester though. too many cops. so he's gonna want some of the cut." Lui explained. "and Terroriser got nailed in the side" Moo sounded worried. really worried. "lets get the money and get the hell outta here." Evan said sternly. everybody nodded and got in their cars and drove back to the penthouse. Lui and Basically took the Truck to god knows where. i don't know where anybody in this gang takes the big targets in missions. i was ordered to carry Fallen into the house. so i had her on my back. Evan never orders me around though. neither does Jonathan. but i shrugged it off and brought Fallen inside so i could check to make sure those stupid Suncats didn't do anything to her. 


yay!! new chapter. Fallen is a character from a very dear friend of mine. i felt like she needed a character in my story. ^^

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