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hope you all had a Merry Christmas! look at this! two chapters today! lucky you guys, comment before how your Christmas' went and what you got! if you want to of course. enjoy!


Kasey's P.O.V

i woke up...i it was dark..and cold..sitting up i looked around to see i was in a cell. "wh...what happened?...not....this..this isn't right! we stopped her!!" i wobbled to a stand. there were chains around my wrists and ankles. i looked through the bars to see Mandy. "oh I'm sorry it had to be this way my love." "y-you drugged me!" i shouted at her struggling to stand. "i had no choice" she walked close to the bars and reached in and cupped my face in her hand. faster than she could blink i chomped down on it with all my strength. she howled in pain and tried to pull her hand away but i bit down harder and tore off a good chunk. spitting it out i lost all control of my body and a mad grin spread across my face. " do heh heheheh do your worst! bitch!!" i started laughing like a maniac. Mandy backed away and walked down the hall clutching her hand. after i watched her leave i felt dizzy and i collapse onto another body. i hate faking being insane. it puts too much stress on my body. the person i landed on groaned and winced in pain. " sorry" i coughed out. "..s'ok." a voice called. my eyes got wide. "C-Craig?!" Mini instantly shot up and looked at me. he also had shackles on his wrists and ankles. he hugged me tightly and i hugged him back. at least i wasn't alone. i started to cry. he held me closer "it will be ok. Delirious and Vanoss will find us. they'll come for us. i promise you that. Wildcat wont let them give up." he reassured me. i smiled. i'm glad Mini was with me.

the two of us sat and leaned against the wall. "well...since we have nothing better to do...tell me about the things you, Delirious and Vanoss do when the rest of us are out." he asked. "well....there was this one time..."

they were on top of a huge building and somehow the guys had managed to get a car on top of it with Vanoss in it. "who wants to drive off the cliff with me?" he asked. "i'm just gonna drive off" "i wanna drive! i wanna drive! Delirious called. "yea! me too!" Kasey cheered in excitement as the pair climbed in the car with Vanoss. "bye!" Vanoss yelled. "goodbyeeeee!!" Delirious and Kasey laughed in unison. all three were giggling like school girls all the way down until Delirious screamed and Vanoss shouted. "why are you jumping out man!?" as Delirious jumped out of the car still screaming/laughing. Kasey let out the most adorable laugh Vanoss had ever heard before the car landed on the ground and exploding and Delirious hit the ground. 

Mini laughed. "i remember that! Wildcat told me that one a wile back! he said that was the dumbest thing he'd ever seen." i laughed as well. "yea. we had fun that day. im glad we can do all this stuff and just respawn afterward. makes things more interesting and fun!' i cheered. mini smiled. "anything else?" "well...."

"bro you tried to kick me outta the car! you bastard." Delirious laughed along with Vanoss. "i see that!" Kasey was laughing in the passenger seat. "i tried, i tried" Vanoss chuckled. Kasey looked at them "get in! or we'll leave without you!" "hey! push me i'll push you back bitch."Delirious laughed and shoved Vanoss. Vanoss attempted to retaliate only to trip and fall into Delirious. "oh shit! that's not a push!" "this is a push! Delirious pushed Vanoss again. Kasey had climbed out of the car and sat on the hood to watch his two idiots roughhouse like always. "hehe. push me! i push you! oh oh! you motherfucker" Delirious shoved Vanoss again and got shoved in return. Vanoss couldn't stop laughing and neither could Kasey. "that's right i-oh shit!" Vanoss yelled as he accidentally punched Delirious. "ow!" delirious screamed and tackled him. in the process they both knock Kasey off the hood of the car and they all tumble into a pile and start laughing. as Nogla and the others just shook their heads and softly chuckled. "you retards." Wildcat laughed. 

"did Wildcat tell you that one?" i asked. Mini paused for a moment before shaking his head. "nope. but still that was pretty funny." he laughed. both of us were smiling and laughing so much we forgot that we had been kidnapped. mini told me a few stories about himself and Wildcat. "what's the best one?" i asked him. "well. it would have to be the most recent one that we did. we were in the Prop hunt area. Basically, delirious and Nogla were there with me and Wildcat...

"where are you Mini?" Delirious laughed his insane laugh. mini had snuck his way behind his deck. he was disguised as a hula girl and Wildcat had been killed. nogla and Delirious started asking about where Mini was and mini swore he heard Wildcat softly sing "deck the halls with op props. miniladd is a op prop." mini chuckled to himself. Wildcat was trying to give always his position. sneaky devil. but the others didn't hear him. "Deck. the halls with op props," wildcat sang louder before trialing off. this caused mini to chuckle again but once again Delirious and Nogla didn't catch what Wildcat sang. Delirious mentions something about a knocked over hula girl and Nogla questioned if Mini was on the roof. Wildcat started to sound annoyed. "DECK. the halls with op props, you guys are stupid fucking assholes."  at this point Mini had jumped onto the deck to troll Delirious and Nogla. " DECK. the halls with op props!" Wildcat screamed. "on the deck! on the deck!" Delirious shouted. and he and Nogla scrambled to the deck to try to catch Mini before Mini darted off and the chase started. Mini did his best to escape and in the end he one by being a fish. wile waiting to respawn he appeared by Wildcat and planted a kiss on his lips. "nice one. now go easy on me this time ok?" he asked. "ha ha, hell no imma make this one quick and easy!" Wildcat grinned with pride as he walked to the spawn at the side of the Hunters wile Mini, after rolling his eyes, walked to spawn at the Props side. 

laughing i held my sides. "w-wow. that was hilarious!" mini laughed with me. "yea. it was. Delirious never told you?" i shake my head. "no. i never ask what he does during his work hours. but there was this one time where he..."

Kasey was hiding as a couch and not too far from him was Delirious as a barrel but Vanoss was dead. "they'll never find me." Delirious laughed. he was so sure that Basically and the others wouldn't find him that he didn't notice that he was hovering. after a minute or so Vanoss spoke up "hey, you do realize you're like ..hovering right?" "yea Delirious. you are." Kasey grinned. when Basically started shooting at Delirious, Delirious started screaming and spazing into several different objects at once "why did you say that!! why you cheating?!? you cheated! you cheated!!"  "im on you team how am i cheating?" Vanoss laughed at the sight in front of him. Delirious was still scrambling to get out of the room and in doing so lead Basically right to Kasey and both Kasey and Delirious died. "Jonathan!!" Kasey shouted and the others laughed. a short wile later Delirious and Kasey were props once again but this time Vanoss was on the other side as a hunter with Bodil. the pair decided to stay together and they both became two stacks of boxes. but soon Kasey started to slide and merge with Delirious. "oh! J-Jonathan!" "shh! shh! we heheh we are combining into one!" the pair started dying of laughter. "what the hell is going on?" Vanoss asked sounding super confused. "i dont know but what is going on over here?!" bodil laughed as hard as Kasey and Delirious when he spoted the pair merged together. Delirious and Kasey were still laughing so hard their sides hurt. Vanoss and Bodil tried shooting the pair to kill them but couldn't and in the end Delirious ended up wining the round by smacking both, Bodil and Vanoss with a barrel that Bodil tried to place ontop of them. "nice win Delirious!" Kasey giggled and planted a kiss on Delirious' lips and did the same for Vanoss. dilirious blushed a bright pink before he and Kasey spawned as hunters and Vanoss and Bodil were props.

we were both laughing our asses off at  that. and soon we heard a loud crash and a huge explosion. "huh?" i stood up and walked over to the bars. Mini soon followed. i heard somebody shouting. "Wildcat?..Wildcat!! Tyler!! here!! i'm here!!" Mini shouted. Wildcat bolted down the stairs and ran to our cell. "mini!" he shouted and reached through the bars and grabbed Mini's face and pulled him into a kiss. i looked through the bars. "Evan...Jonathan?" i paused. then i heard them run down the stairs and over to me. "guys!" i shouted and smiled. they both put their hands on my face and checked me up and down to see if i was ok. "are you alright?! did she hurt you?" Evan asked sounding very worried. he had his owl mask on and Jonathan had his hockey mask. Evan practically ripped the door to the cell off then he ripped our shackles off. he picked me up and carried me out. Jonathan, and Wildcat followed. Wildcat was holding Mini in his arms. Jonathan took me from Evan we all got in the car and drove back to the penthouse  leaving Mandy behind, hopefully for good. i sat on the couch, Jonathan and Evan sat on either side of me. Jonathan wrapped his arms around me. i held Teddy in my arms and watched wile Evan and Jonathan played on the Xbox for a few hours. and i felt safe again.

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