Meeting Dad.

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Evan seemed on edge lately. i dont know why but it must have spread to Jonathan because he was the same way. when i confronted them about it they shrugged it off or change the subject. i didn't understand what was going on. they kept me in the dark about so many things. so i decided to ask one of the other guys, see if they know. walking out to the garage and out into the driveway i walk over to the one person i know can tell me what's going on. tapping Nogla on the knee i watch as he rolls out from under the truck. Nogla is our mechanic. so he's always working on the cars we have. he also works on cars when he needs some time alone to think. "what's up Kasey? somthin' on yer mind?" he smiled. his arms were covered in grease and oil. " a minute?" i asked trying not to sound desperate. "sure! what's on yer mind?" he smiled and crawled into the bed of the truck dragging me with him. "well...i want to know..Vanoss and Delirious have i dont know why. they wont tell me." i explained. " don't know do you?" he asked. i shook my head. he paused before speaking again. "today is their Dad's birthday. Vanoss and Delrious both share two Dads. Daniel and Jack. today is Jack's Birthday. Jack is the one who's working for that bitch who's stalking you. Vanoss, Delirious and Jack were pretty close when the boys were little. they did a whole bunch of stuff together. so when Jack sided with Mandy they took it pretty hard. Fallen too. she also loved her daddy. hell, the whole family was close." as he explained more about Evan and Jonathan. the more i felt bad for them. they must have really been as close as Nogla says they were. 

before i could say anything Moo came out. "hey guys, Vanoss and Delirious want us to meet in the living room. they got something important to tell the group." he called. "we'll be there in a sec!" Nogla  shouted back before turning back to me. "hey. they keep stuff from everybody. so dont let it get to ya. now come on. lets see what all the fuss is about." he helped me out of the truck and the two of us walked into the house and to the living room. i saw all the others gathered in the room. even fallen was there. and then..that's when i saw...him

this man was tall. almost as tall as my father. he had very broad shoulders, and muscles that can be seen through his shirt. he has dark brown hair like Delirious' and it's even in a buzzcut! i saw he was wearing a hat with the word Army printed on it. was this guy a soldier? looking up i noticed the horrific scars on his neck. there were several of them some deeper than others. " god. that poor man." i heard Mini mumble. turning back to the man i look up at him. his face is hidden by a mask similar to Jonathan's only the top half is black and the bottom is blood red. but what i noticed were the man's ocean blue eyes. how can he have that eye color? Jonathan said he was the only one to have that! Jonathan was standing next to the man, the pair almost looked identical. i heard Evan clear his throat and the room got quiet. "ok look, this is a very important man to me, fallen and delirious. so. treat him with respect. he'll be staying with us for a wile." he explained. "is he a new recruit?" i heard Wildcat ask. "not really. you see..." Evan paused. "...he's my dad, Daniel" Jonathan piped up. "you all know jack right?" the while room nods. "jack...jack is my husband." Daniel spoke up in a hushed voice. "what he's doing...he's not doing it because he wants to. he's being controlled. by her." i saw Evan sigh and look at the floor then fallen gripped Daniel's hand. he looked down at her and cooed to her to calm her down. the gang understood what Evan wanted us to do. so they accepted and then continued on with their daily routines, 

i was still sitting on the couch. looking up i saw that Daniel was standing in front of me. "may i?" he asked with a smile on his face. "oh.sure go ahead." i motioned for him to sit. " must be Kasey. my boys have told me a lot about you. mainly good things but they really seem to care about you." he smiled more. i couldn't help but smile a little. i didn't notice i was staring at his scars until he spoke up. "i got them over seas." "h-huh? oh i.i'm sorry!" i bowed my head a little.  he reached over and patted my head. " it's ok....when Jack and i were serving..i was a messenger. one day our unit was attacked, i was taken prisoner and tortured for the info i had. i never told them. before they could kill burst the most beautiful man i had ever seen in my life. it was love at first sight. he was gorgeous. and the way his body moved when he was fighting took my breath away. he ran over to me and he was the last thing i saw when i past out. but he was the first thing i saw when i woke up. little did i know that this stubborn, hot-headed, bad-tempered soldier would soon be my wife and the Daddy to my kids." the way Daniel talked about Jack made you feel bad for the guy. here he was in a penthouse with his kids, wile the man he treasures as a princess could be anywhere in Los Santos being tortured. or worse! Daniel took a deep breath and sighed. his voice never raised and he never got angered really bad. he did clench his fists a few times. after talking for a little bit, fallen ran over and hugged him. there were tears in her eyes. "there there Fallen. Dad's here. Dad's got ya. you're alright." he whispered to her. she soon calmed down, so he just put his arms around her and rocked a little. "we'll get Daddy back. i wont be alone. just remember that we all love you very much." his words seemed to do the trick and she calmed down.he held her for almost an hour after that. so this is Jonathan's dad. hes not quiet how i expected. but at least he was able to take care of Jonathan.

which means that this whole stalker thing has gone up a step since Mandy still has Jack! 

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