Disaster party.

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the insparation for this chapter is BasicallyIDoWrk's recent GTA vid. about the Club glitch. hope you all like it!!


January 15th. today's the day....today's my birthday!! i'm now 21 years old! i'm so happy i could squeal like a little fangirl! i woke up this morning to breakfast in bed, i got so many flowers i was grinning for almost an hour. i was smothered with attention as soon i set foot downstairs. Lui and Moo hugged be almost immediately. "happy birthday Buddy!!" Lui squeaked. "today is your day man!" Moo smiled and ruffled my hair. Wildcat and basically held out more flowers to me. "awww!!" i smiled. they were so beautiful. i placed them by the others then kissed them both on the forehead. "thank you. so much." giggling i little i saw basically shuffle his foot. "huh? is something wrong Basically?" i asked. he looked at me and for the first time in forever he reached up and pulled off his mask. i gasped. "Marcel..you look amazing!" i laughed and hugged him. planting another kiss on his forehead i saw him smile and even laugh a little. "...can i have another?!" Wildcat asked and yanked his mask off. i blinked. "sure Tyler!" i stood on  my tiptoes and kissed his forehead again. but just a peck! i didn't want to upset Mini or disrespect his and Tyler's relationship. i got hugs from Terroriser and i big hug and a spin, along with an awesome new rifle with the Irish flag carved into it and my name engraved on the barrel from Nogla. along with a big kiss on the forehead. my dad couldn't make it to my wedding so Nogla took my arm and walked me down the aisle. i have to thank him for so much. he's done so much for me. lastly i saw my older brother. my big, caring, sweet, protective older brother..Mini. "..Craig." i smiled widely and ran over to hug him. he laughed as we wrapped our arms around each other. "what did you get me?" i asked like a little kid. he just laughed, let me go and stepped aside. i looked and my jaw hit the floor.

there he was. smiling at me with a big red bow around his neck. my big, strong protector. the most important man in my life...my daddy. he had finally made it here! "daddy!!" i shouted and ran over to hug him. "hey son!" he smiled and picked me up. holding me close. i gripped him and smiled. Mini came over and joined in the hug. Ryan looked down at me with a huge smile on his face. "happy birthday my sweet little Kasey. i am so proud of you and how far you've come. don't worry. Mini told me about this girl who's been trying to hurt you. it's ok. Dad's here now." he smiled and held me closer. i smiled back at him. "now. this old man needs to go lay down for a bit. it has been a long plane ride." he chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "ok daddy!" i grin and watch him walk to a guest room. "oh! come on! or we'll be late!" Cartoonz smiled. "late for what?" i asked. "no time to explain! hurry up and go put something sexy on!" mini shouted. and shoved me to my room. "ok ok jeez!" i walked to my dresser and pulled out a black mussel shirt vanoss had given me and slipped it on. then i pulled on a pair of skinny jeans with the holes in the knees and the many chains hanging from the belt loops. slipping as many rubber wristbands as i could on my wrists at the same time i was able to tug my pants up over my "mom hips" and zip them up. i pulled on my Galaxy vans and grabbed my black beanie. i combed my buzz cut and sprayed some axe on myself, Vanoss and Delirious' favorite scent. giving my self one last check over, and checking my earrings, i slid my wedding band on and strut my way out. mini looked at me. "whoa..Kasey you look..." "hot!!" Cartoonz interrupted him. i giggled and blushed. "ok. so where are we going?" i asked. "Bahama Mamas!" Lui grinned. "what?! hell no! i'm not going to any fucking club!!" 

i didn't have a choice in the matter. soon i was lifted up and carried to a limousine. "god damn it Daithi!! put me down!! i'm not going!!" i squirmed and wiggled with all my might but nogla wouldn't give so i gave up. i HATE going to clubs. too many sweaty people, nobody understands personal space! everybody is always getting laid there, and then there are the girls who flirts with my boys. my emotions take over and i always think that the girls are gonna take Jonathan and Evan away from me. i sighed to myself and waited. the car ride was short but it felt like forever. i got out and pushed my way passed the others. shoving my hands in my pockets i walked in. i was greeted with the ear-splitting music, the heavy smell of booze and most of all the weed. i groaned to myself got into position. strutting my way to V.I.P i managed to strut my way in. i didn't see Jonathan or Evan. i might as well dance a little bit. since there's nothing else to do. walking to the dance floor i started dancing. it wasn't hard outshining the other girls with their heavy perfume and fake bodies. all i really was doing was just holding my hands up over me and swinging my hips around. i used to hate how sleek and slender my figure was. but now that i can use my hips as a way to get what i want, i love my figure. i felt myself get pressed against a body. whoever it was was pretty tall. he was also very muscular. he placed his hands around my waist from behind. "excuse me. i'm a married man. so get your hands off of me!" i wiggled myself so i was facing the man. "let. go." i growled. the man only laughed and tightened his grip. "aww come on babe. wont you shake it for me just a little longer?" the man slurred. gre~~eat he was drunk....wait..i know that voice. "E-Evan!?" i asked. "y-yea..*hic* hey baby...shake it for m-me.." he had the goofiest grin on his face i had ever seen. "no! you're drunk! where's Jonathan!" i almost gagged at the amount of alcohol i could smell on his breath.  but i soon got my answer. "h-hey!..you Shuch up!" Jonathan shouted at a girl. he was wobbling like crazy! "Jonathan!" i called over the way too loud music. he heard me and came stumbling over. the pair sandwiched me between them and i gagged more. not only was i dying from the smell of beer but now it was beer and whatever the hell it was Jonathan had just been smoking!

"h-happy birth-birthday..b-babe" Evan slurred out. "no w-way! ..it's his b-birthday?! i thought that was last year man.." Jonathan trailed off after noticing what i was wearing. "w-whoa...damn! y-you look so fucking good in that" he laughed. "ok. no. we are getting you two out of he-" i was interrupted from a moan escaping my throat, Evan was grinding his package against me from behind. "E-Evan...stop! you're drunk!" i blushed widely. i was not gonna do this in public. especially not with all these people here! "no~ he'd *hic* ..look so much..much better with it off. " vanoss chuckled and Jonathan ran hid hands up under my shirt. "g-guys..st-stop it.. i came to get you and take you home!" i whined. but they were too far gone to understand me. the next thing i know i'm pinned to a wall in a room in the back of the club and the rest is a blur...

i woke up the next morning with a sore ass, and was covered in hickeys. growling to myself i sit up and rub my head. thankfully i didn't drink anything. but my head is pounding from all the music. i heard Jonathan and Evan groan and whine. they both looked really sick. i sigh and think to myself. 

fine. i'll yell at them later about the disaster party.

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