steeling the twins

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Jack's P.O.V 

how long has it been. days..weeks..a month. i cant say. my arms were sore from all the gashes and cuts. i can just respawned but the wounds would take some time to heal. i had my mask on. the bitch forces me to wear it ever damn day. my cell was dark and cold. no warmth barely any light. i missed him. so much. my one and only, my other half . my Daniel. i cried so much i don't think i have any tears left. that bitch took a decoy of me to Daniel. i screamed and cried begging her to let me go back to him. to my children. but my screams fell on deaf ears. my arms dropped to my sides. i wanted my Daniel. my love. please. i'll be with you again soon...

i wasn't alone in this cell. my youngest son, Fall, Fallen's twin brother, was with me. Mandy uses him as a way to get me to do what she wants. he walked over to me and hugged me. i weakly lifted up my arms and held him close. "daddy i'm scared." he whimpered. "i know baby..i know." i comforted him best i could. but then i heard footsteps and saw her strut in. i growled then realized she wasn't alone. i tilted my head to look at the tiny figure next to her. " BITCH!!!" i screamed at her. for standing next to her was my little girl. my little Fallen. "leave my little girl out of this!!!" i wobbled to a stand. "daddy!" i heard fallen cry out. she bolted over to me and i held her and Fall in my arms. Mandy simply just looked at us..she had a plan..something was wrong. she strutted over and kicked me in the side causing me to let go and fall over. couching up blood i tried to get back up but my body wouldn't give. i was forced to watch as she corrupted my little ones. tears flooded from my eyes. 

Fallen's P.O.V

"daddy!!" i screamed and watched him fall over. "children." i stopped and looked up at the woman. "hey, hey. i wont hurt you." she cooed.  Fall and i stood there and listened to her speak. my eyes got wide. "wh-what?" my eyes watered. i felt Fall put his arms around me he was crying too. "they never came to look for you when you were missing. they didn't care when you two were separated. your own brothers would rather give you away for their precious husband's safety. you mean nothing to them. but don't worry i wont ever do anything like that to you." she smiled at us "join me." i looked at her then at Fall. fall paused before speaking up. "i will." he let go of me and walked over to her. "fall are you crazy!!" i screamed. "no! it's his fault we're in this mess! Delirious and Vanoss should have stayed away from Kasey! he's done nothing but get our family hurt!!" he shouted back at me. his words made some sense but i've grown to like Kasey. i want him and our brother's to be happy. but something in the back of my head erupted and i lost control. i walked over to Mandy. "y-you bitch!!" i heard daddy shout at her.

Jack's P.O.V 

"y-you bitch!!" i shouted. "that's a lie!! we all love them very dearly!! they mean the world to me and Daniel! i wont let you ruin them!!" Mandy grinned. "oh you silly little fool. i have these two now. and nothing you can say or do can help them." i looked at my babies. my precious little ones. tears flooding from my eyes. this cant happen. i wont let it!! with all the strength i had left in my body i was able to stand. "oooh! you'll be fun I'm sorry it has to be this way Jack. but you know, business is business. Fall, Fallen....kill him." Mandy chuckled. Fall and Fallen took a step toward me. "m-my...babies...*cough*...p-please...don't do this....i-its me...D-dad-dy.." i wheezed out. hoping that my children could still hear me. but to no avail. i felt the pain first before i could see what happened. there they were. my little ones. both had their knives deep in my chest. Mandy had taken away my respawning this was it...this was how i was going to die....

i fell to my knees. with the strength i hand left, i weakly reached up and pulled their masks off. "d-don't babies...D-Daddy....l-loves you." i choked out. i saw the tears in their eyes. "daddy?...daddy!! daddy no!! daddy!!" fallen cried out. "daddy!! we're sorry! please don't die!!!" Fall started to sob harder. i put my hands on the back of their heads and pulled them close. "D-daddy lov-ves you.....s-so much." i tightned my grip on them before dropping to the ground. and i with a smiled on my face i breathed my last....


lol jk  jk!! XD 

Jack's P.O.V 

my eyes snapped open. i had never felt such power before. it filled my body and i was able to get to my feet. my wounds healed and my respawn factor came back. my eyes had changed they were now fully black with little white pupils in the center. i felt my strength skyrocket my power had returned ot it's full potential. i felt new. i felt amazing. i looked down to see Fallen was to my left and Fall was to my left. they were holding my hands. i looked at Mandy and growled. "DoNt YoU eVeR tAkE My ChIlDrEn AgAiN." my voice was stern and cold. i wasn't going to stand for this. letting go of my children i slowly walked toward Mandy. she didn't look fazed. i stood tall and towered over her. i paused, cocking my arm back and with all of my strength i nailed this bitch in the face as hard as i could. i sent her flying through the wall. but she's no ordinary person. so i know she'll come back. i hovered there for a while before picking up Fall and Fallen and carrying them out. next back home to take care of the decoy me. 

when i reached the house i set the kids down. walking inside i grabbed the fake me by his neck and dragged him out. "what the hell?!?" i heard Daniel scream as he followed me. "ReLaX bAbE. It'S mE.." (lol get it? no? its a fnaf reference. 'it's me' XD ok i'll shut up now) he stared at me and then it clicked. "but..where have you been!" he asked as i stomped down on the fake me, which happened to be a fucking robot. no surprise there, he ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "thank god you're ok!" he smothered me in kisses and hugs. "daddy!!" i heard vanoss and Delirious shout and they came running over and joined the hug. i looked at Fall and Fallen, and with my powers i was able to lift them up and place them in my arms in the center of the hug. our family was back together. and this time for good. nobody is gonna break us apart.

especially some crazy bitch who wants my son-in-law.


yay!! OP Jack to the rescue!! XD hope you enjoyed!! this chapter was fun!  

i would also like to take the moment to thank my Kiddo for letting me use some of her pictures for the cover photos on some of the chapters!! i love you kiddo!! thank you so much!! you are the best i could ever ask for.

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