That Boy

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Kasey bolted upright. he was panicked and in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. Damn it..not again. he thought to himself. has had trouble sleeping these past few days. that damn nightmare. it's the same one over and over. he's starting to become paranoid. it feels as if something isn't right.  in the day, walking out in public it somebody is watching him everywhere he goes. he didn't tell Delirious or Vanoss about it and just brushed it off like it was nothing. he was finally out of all those stupid casts and he could walk on his own. even still, Delirious and Vanoss still baby him more than before. Ryan does too but he's at ease knowing Vanoss and Delirious are there for Kasey. 

it's your fault. 

you did this to us.

you're the cause.

the voices were back and louder than ever. Kasey clutched his head trying not to wake his two sleeping lovers. in order to watch him more, the pair practically moved in with Kasey and slept in the same bed. they haven't done anything dirty..yet..but still...Kasey sighed and soon the voices silenced. he sat there in the dark hugging his knees. he rests his chin on his knees and starts thinking. the voices...they torment him because it's his fault. he hasnt told a single soul this but the voices in his head are the spirits of the people he's accidentlaly gotten killed. he never ment to harm a soul but sometimes he and his friends play a littel too rough and well...bad things happen...there was an incident earlier today. and incident that would pull two worlds together and change Kasey's life forever. he flinched as he thought he heard the voices coming back. but it was just Delirious mumbling in his sleep and Vanoss snoring. the voices got worse after Kasey met that boy. that strange, odd boy....what was his name again? oh yes...he remembered now...


~a few hours ago~ 

Kasey sighed. he was walking home it had rained so his pants were now soaked. Gre~~eat. grumbling and complaining to himself, he kept walking. Mini was at home sick, again, and Delirious and Vanoss got detention, no surprise there, so, Ari was on his own. after walking for a while he heard yelling and looked up just in time to see a boy come running at him and slam into him. "GAH!!" he shouted in surprise. the boy rubbed his head "o~~ow!" he got up and noticed Kasey on the ground. "i'm sorry!" he's holding a bag and a gun. Kasey backs up afraid that he might get hurt. "woah. woah. it's ok. i'm not gonna hurt you." the boy comforted and put the gun away. he reached down and pulled Kasey up. "wasn't watching where i was going. again. sorry." "no. no. it's ok. i'm used to it. you just got me by surprise that's all." Kasey said shrugging it off. the boy looked a little upset about bumping into him but then relaxed when Kasey said that it was ok and he was fine. Kasey studied the boy. he was rather skinny and looked about mini's age but he was almost as tall as Kasey. he was covered in tattoos and piercings. his fingers, knees, and elbows were all scuffed up and his clothes were torn and covered in dirt, sweat, grime and blood. he was wearing a tank-top, baggy jeans and sneakers. at first glance you'd think this guy was one of those weird, punk fanboys who tags along to every concert but, what struck Kasey as odd was that the boy's face was completely hidden by a pair of shades, a ball cap and a bandana. he looked like a kid from a rock band at second glance but what frightened Kasey the most was that the boy was heavily armed. he had two huge guns strapped to his back and several knives around his waist with bullets shoved and crammed into his pockets. 

"again i'm really sorry." the boy pouted. "hey dude chill. it's all ok. i'm fine really. no need to apologize...who are you?" Kasey asked. " will soon be the most important person in the world. don't listen to the voices. follow your heart. you will be needed soon" the boy responded almost as if he was in a trance. "excuse me?!" Kasey almost shouted.  the boy paused before shaking his head and whirling around to look at another man who was standing in front of an ally a little bit up the road. this guy was older. he was tall but quite scrawny and was also covered in tattoos. "Ari! hurry up before it closes!" the man shouted. the boy, Ari as the man had called him, turned to him and shouted back. "be there in a sec Deuce!" he turns back to Kasey. "i'm sorry, i cant explain in detail right now. i really wish i could because i know what you will become, but i know we will meet again soon. sometime in the near future, at least i hope so. i will explain it all then. until then, goodbye Kasey" "Ari!!" the man shouted again. Ari waved to Kasey and turned, running after this "Deuce" guy. Kasey watched as he takes the man's hand then the pair run into the ally. Kasey ran after them but he was too late. they were gone, with only a small burnt patch on the ground as if lightning had struck there. but none the less they had left, leaving Kasey behind to wonder what the hell just happened, and if what happened really did happen. 

~present time~

Ari's words lingered in Kasey's mind. he wasn' couldn't get them out of his head. " will soon be the most important person in the world. don't listen to the voices. follow your will be needed soon"  what the hell did he mean? how did that boy know his name? of all the people in this world why did that boy tell him this? were they destined to meet? or was this all just a load of bullshit some kid wanted to pull. the questions piled up in Kasey's mind just adding more weight to the load on his shoulders. he still didn't understand. who was that boy? who was this "Deuce" guy? what were they doing? what had they gotten themselves into to make themselves look that badly beaten up? Kasey was so out of it he didn't hear Delirious wrap his arms around him. "why are you still up?" he groaned. "get some sleeeeeep." Kasey shook his head. "D-Delirious?" he asked. "no. I'm Vanoss. of course it's me. now lay down." Delirious yanked Kasey back down onto the bed between himself and Vanoss, and soon he was snoring loudly again. Kasey sighed. he still couldn't get Ari's words out of his mind. he tried to shrug them off but they resided in the back of his mind. louder than the voices but soft enough to not cause headaches or pains. these words silenced the voices and allowed for Kasey to fall fast asleep for the first time in days. 

but he never did forget about..that weird boy Ari. he wondered..

would they really meat again?


i honestly don't know what happened. but i kinda like where this is going. special guest appearance from Ari!! dun Dun DUN!! 

lol. hope you guys like it!! i've been working hard on these.

oh! and i forgot to clarify. i'm using Delirious, Vanoss', and Mini's GTA 5 characters not the actual ppl.

and the city that they live in is Los Santos. 

Mini, Kasey and Ryan live in a penthouse. they are loaded. 

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