Falling into a Nightmare.

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Kasey's P.O.V

i sat up and looked around. rubbing my eyes i realize that i am not in the penthouse. this place was warm and bright. i looked down and saw that i was wearing a white silk nightgown! similar to the one mom used to wear when i was little. "J-Jonathan..Evan..?" i stood up and rubbed my eyes again, adjusting the gown a little. god this light is so bright. i shielded my eyes. "h-hello? who's there?" i call out looking around again. "oh my~. look whose awake!" i voice cooed. i recognized the voice. "m-mom?" "hi sleepy head." another voice chuckled. "d-dad?" they both looked down at me and smiled. they were dressed in full uniform and all but what i noticed was their huge beautiful white angel wings. "mommy! daddy!!" i cried and reached out to hug them. they held me close and i started to cry. "hey, hey. don't cry sport." Dad rubbed my back and Mom kissed my forehead. i couldn't believe that they were alive! how were they here? was i dreaming? "h-how are you here? you never came home." i cried. "i know baby. i know. we didn't mean to. and we love you with all our hearts." mom smiled. "we just weren't expecting that many gunmen at the scene. and they were more skilled than we thought. but your mom and i have been watching you all these years. and we're here to help you. we know about the girl." Dad explained.

"wait...so i am dreaming?" i asked. "yes. I'm sorry baby. but we're here to keep you safe." Mom comforted.  "safe? from what?" i asked sounding a little scared. "and will i be able to go back to my husbands?" i was really worried about them. were they stuck here too? "we'll keep you safe from you inner demons and your nightmares." dad explained. "and if you find them then you'll be able to leave. 

but only if you can fight off your demons and reunite with them." 

Vanoss' P.O.V

i woke up in a dark room. it looked old. the wallpaper was tearing from the wall. i heard Delirious groan and sit up. "where the hell are we?" "i don't know." i looked around the room again then peeked out and down the hall. "Kasey?" i ran down the hall with Delirious not far behind. when i reached Kasey i noticed something was off. his body was glowing white. like a silhouette. i saw he was holding a book before i heard his voice. he giggled. "oh vanoss~ you know i've always wanted this book! you are so thoughtful! this is just what i wanted!" i reached out and grabbed the book and when i did the figure in front of us disappeared. "what was that?" Delirious asked. "i think...i think that was a memory. a memory of Kasey." i explained. "how do you know?" he questioned looking me in the eyes. "because i remember the day i gave him this book." 

"that's because you did." a voice called out. "we have to hurry and find Kasey. there isn't much time" i looked down and saw a little stuffed bear standing in front of us. "..Teddy?" Delirious asked wile picking up the bear. "yes! i'm Teddy. and we need to hurry before Kasey is lost to his Nightmares!" we started walking as Teddy explained more. but soon we felt the air get thick and heavy. my head started pounding. Delirious rubbed his as well. "quickly! into the closet!" Teddy shouted. i pulled delirious into the closet and we waited. 

Delirious' P.O.V 

my heart skipped a beat when i saw it. that..thing! it was huge!! my head started to hurt more when it got closer. the thing looked like something out of a horror movie! it was tall but hunched over. it's arms and legs were twisted like branches and it's hair was all mangled and sticking out. i noticed the white dress it was wearing that was now torn to shreds. this think must be the thing that horrifies Kasey every night. this thing is his worst nightmare!

i clenched my fists and growled under my breath at it. something inside me wanted to destroy it. to end it all. to make Kasey smile again. to make him not be controlled by fear. he is my wife. and i will do anything to make him happy again. 

Vanoss must have noticed my anger because he took my hand. "calm down. we'll find him. i promise. we'll get him back." he smiled at me and i smiled back. "ok, i think it's clear now. but we have to be careful and quiet. so that thing doesn't come after us." Teddy whispered. we both nodded and quietly left the closet and made a mad dash down the hall. "maybe we have to collect all the memories?" i asked. "that might be the key!" Teddy sounded hopeful. "we can try it. it shouldn't be too hard." Vanoss grinned. 

after what felt like hours we finally found another memory! i walked up to it. it matched Kasey so well. i reached out and cupped it's cheek. then it spoke. it was holding a ring. "Yes! yes of course i'll marry you both! i love you so much! i'm the luckiest guy every!!" it giggled before i took the ring. i paused and kissed it's forehead. "we're coming Kasey. please hold on" i swear after i said that the memory smiled widely and took my hands before it disappeared. i could still feel the warmth from it's hands. my eyes filled with tears

Kasey's P.O.V

"we're coming Kasey. please hold on" i heard Delirious' voice and felt something on my forehead, as if somebody had kissed it. i smiled widely and felt the warmth of a hand on my cheek. "Delirious...i'm here..please..save me from my fears...please. i want to feel you again. hear your voices. please." i begged. "don't worry son. we'll help you find them." Dad cooed holding me in his arms. "like we always have." i smiled in his arms and gripped his shirt. "we have company!" mom shouted. i looked and saw a giant twisted monster burst into the room. dad spread his huge white angel wings out and wrapped them around me. he held me closer as mom lunged for the monster and was able to fight it off....for now. his wings were also out. 

i felt safer with them. but i still wanted my boys here with me. 

to stop me from falling into this nightmare i'm drowning in. 

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