Christmas Eve

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Kasey's P.O.V

today was it. Christmas eve. the guys had all huddled in the kitchen and were talking about what to do about my stalker girl. i was in the living room wrapped in a blanket and holding Jonathan's teaddy bear. i didn't sleep a wink last night and i was shaking like a mad man. 

you deserve this

this is your punishment. 

now you know the fear we felt. now you can suffer. 

they were the reason i didn't get any sleep. i finally sucked up the courage last night and told Jonathan and Evan about the voices. They held me and told me it would be ok. it's odd really. i've been calling them by their 'code names' all this time and yet...their real names are beautiful. Evan..and Jonathan.. my Evan and Jonathan. Jonathan's beautiful ocean blue eyes mixed with Evan's chocolate brown ones looking at me...they seem so calming and soothing. and their voices are deep and loving. but can be stern and intimidating. "J-Jonathan" i wheezed out. he turned and looked at me. seeing the tears in my eyes he rushed over and pulled me into his arms and gave me a big bear hug. i squeeze Teddy in my arms and hold it close. this worn out stuffed bear had been with Jonathan for many years. he gave Teddy to me as a way to keep me calm and distracted. stroking the red ribbon around Teddy's neck through my fingers Jonathan hugged me tighter. i could have sworn i saw Teddy glow! but only for a second. i heard a loud thud come from the kitchen and then some yelling. i figured it had to be only Evan. 

Vanoss' P.O.V

i was propped up against the wall listening to the others talk. they mostly do the planning and i give my input and assign roles. this bitch will pay for scaring Kasey. if she even thinks of touching him..i'll kill her myself. i heard Kasey wheeze out Delirious' name. his real name. he hasn't used that name since he and i started our gang back when we were eight. i watched him rush over to Kasey and hug him tightly. kissing his forehead and trying to keep him distracted. Kasey never slept at all last night. and now i know why. those damn voices. damn it. why can't the three of us be happy!? why does everything have to be against us?! before i knew it i had slammed my fist against the wall, snapping everyone out of their conversation and they all look at me. Lui walks over and places his hand on my shoulder. "hey, don't worry. we'll get this bitch." he squeaked. "yea. now come on. we figured if she's gonna come out then that means we have to leave Kasey....alone." Wildcat explained. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?" i scream. "no!! we cant do that!! it will traumatize him!! i wont use the most valuable thing i've ever had in my life as bait!!" i exploded. anger rushing through my body like a huge wave. no. i cant. i wont!! Kasey is too important to me. Delirious too. i love them both. they are way too much to lose. "it's the only fucking option we have!!" wildcat screamed back at me.

Kasey's P.O.V

i heard Evan explode with anger. whatever somebody said, he didn't like it. i felt Jonathan tense up. and he should. Evan has gotten pretty scary over the years. then i heard Jonothan's voice. "T'was the night before Christmas, and all over town. everyone was killing, even the clown. the C-4s was thrown, and explosions shot bright! who will save Christmas on this evil night?" he then laughed that beautiful laugh. i laughed with him at his dorkiness. "i'm checkin' my list, and checkin' it twice! gonna find out who's naughty or nice!" he started singing. i laughed harder. so hard that Evan walked in. "hey! who wants to have some fun?" he asked? "me! me!" i shouted with Lui like little kids. Evan and Basically laughed. I helped lui bundle up. I started getting back thoughts. What if that girl found us? What would we do then? i was snapped out of my thoughts and the rest of tje gang alll bundled up, ran out to cram into a giant red and white truck. Evan drove, Jonathan was in the passenger, i was in the back with lui and mini. and wildcat, terrorizer, and moo were in the trunk. all of us were armed with snowballs and were pelting our poor victims who were walking the streets. we had music blasting from the speakers. "getingetingetingetinGETIN!!" Evan yelled at Wildcat and Moo who had fallen out. everybody was laughing and just having a blast. Jonathan gave me his hockey mask to wear wile we were out doing this and he wore a Santa outfit and mask. we died several times only to respawn and start all over again. we just had a blast. "a Christmas story, rated R addition!!" i heard Evan yell. "Uber! Uber, are we there yet?" Jonathan asked. "my name's not Uber. dumbass." Evan chuckled. "and Uber doesn't work like Siri." Moo laughed. i was laughing so much my sides hurt. before i knew it we were falling down a cliff. Jonathan was screaming that we were gonna die and Evan and the others were laughing. when we reached the bottom we didn't explode and Evan was able to land the truck safely. 

i was still laughing so hard. the next thing we did was try to make it across a steel beam by dodging the snowballs that the others would throw at you. but Evan and Jonathan would cheat and use C-4s and bazookas. we totally forgot all about the voices in my head, my stalker and everything! i was only focused on Evan and Jonathan. after an hour of failing at that and harassing Nogla with snowballs we had another snowball fight then we all piled into the truck and started heading back to the penthouse. we were out almost all day so long that it was getting dark. Evan and Jonathan were screaming Christmas stuff and throwing snowballs and C-4s out the windows. the snow was making the road slippery and the giant truck crashed and exploded. we all died laughing before respawning back at the house. 

"ok guys! i'll make hot chocolate!" i shouted and ran into the house. they all followed and they peeled off all their wet snow clothes and hung them up to dry. i was frozen in place. "..E-E..van....Jon...Jonathan...." i squeaked placing my hands over my mouth. they both walked over to me and looked at what i was looking at. our eyes got wide. the whole place was trashed! my clothes were scattered all over the floor. there was a note placed on the counter. the note smelt of fancy perfume and there was a lipstick print on it. it read:

give Kasey to me and let him be mine~, or you're next. ~M

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