No Love

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Summer break is starting off perfect, I got a good amount of writing done. The songs i'm working on will be ready to be recorded soon.

I decided to take a break when my phone began to ring. I pick it up hoping it's Alice, but that hope was shut down immediately when I read Stefany's name on my screen.

"Hey." She speaks.


"Can I come over?"

"How about later?"

"I need to talk to you."

" Can't it wait?" I ask.

"Not really."

"Come over then.“

"Be over in a bit." She says before hanging up.

I laid back on the couch, waiting patiently, but the more I waited, the more I became impatient.

Ten minutes went by when I finally heard a knock on my door. I quickly got up to open it.

I smiled when I saw her beautiful face and that perfect blond hair.

I leaned in to kiss her, but stop when I heard Stefany's voice.


I drift my eyes to stefany, and alice turned around, rolling her eyes at her presence.

"Abel, you just had to invite her, didn't you?. I'm sick of her."

Stefany eyed her crazy."You're sick of me? i'm sick of you. The fact that you thought you could get away with faking your love for my best friend. Are you going to tell him who you were with last night?“

I looked between them both.

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about." Alice speaks.

"If you don't tell him, I will.“ Stefany says.

"What the fuck is going on?" I ask.

Alice turned around to face me again."I seriously don't know what she's talking about."

"Fine! Last night when she declined going to the movies with you it's because she met up with another guy. Kade drove me to get food after we dropped you and Derrick off. I saw her making out with the guy out front of Mcdoanlds.“

Alice gets defensive."I don't know what she's trying to do baby, please don't believe anything she says. She wants to break us up because she doesn't like me."

"I would never do that to him if even I don't like you.“ Stef says.

There was a moment of silence, it was hard to wrap my head around this. I don't know how to feel.

Alice grabbed my hand but I shook it off.

"Why would you believe her? I love you Abel.“ She says with pleading eyes.

"I saw you with my own eyes, I would never lie to him about something like this."

I don't want this to be real.

"Alice, we're through. Leave.“ I finally speak.

"Please baby-" I cut her off.

"Don't make me repeat myself cause I hate doing that shit.“ I speak through clenched teeth.

Alice doesn't say a word as she walks pass Stefany and mugs her.

I rushed inside, throwing myself on the couch. I can feel Stefany rushing close behind me, shutting the door behind her. I don't want talk to anyone.

My blood is boiling with anger.

How could she do this to me? I always treated Alice right, and I loved her. I thought she loved me like I loved her, but I was a fool to believe that.

I've wasted a year on nothing but a lie, all for some pain and regret.

I come back to reality, when Stefany placed her hand on my arm.

I looked at her without saying a word and all I want to do is cry. I can't get over what just happened.

I'm trying to control myself from letting tears fall.

I hid my face in my hands, and rested my arms on my legs.

Stefany grabbed my hands, but I don't want her to see my face. I didn't want her to see me like this. I didn't want anyone to see me like this. She pushed my arms to the side to hug me tightly, I didn't hug her back because I can feel my anger build up all over again.

"I want be alone, can't you just fucking leave me alone?" The words come out my mouth harshly.

Quickly she pulled away from me without a word.

"Why can't you stay out of my business? Why can't you give me my fucking space!" I continue.

Stefany stood up and stepped away from me. "I'm sorry Abel.“

I stood up right in front of her and she froze. "Just leave already!"

In that instant she turned around and walked out the door so fast, it flashed before my eyes.

Once she was gone, I kicked a long weird table in front of me and it flipped over. The flowers on top with a vase broke as it hit the floor.

The water went everywhere with glass floating around in it.

I punched the wall so hard my hand started bleeding.


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