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“What's wrong?“ Stef asks, closing the door behind us.

I drift my eyes around the room. She seems to be alone. She wouldn't have let me in if her nigga was in here. He wasn't too pleased to see me when I came by to drop off her new phone.

I had no idea they were together, it caught me by surprise.

“I could use the company.“ I speak.

“Abel you're buzzed again. I don't have time for that. Go back to your hotel room.“

“Let me stay please”

“Fine, whatever. Don't give me a reason to kick you out. I'm going back to sleep.“ She says nonchalant as she climbs into the bed and pulls the sheets over her.

I kick my shoes off and stroll over to the other side of the bed. The clothes I have on is not sleeping attire, but i'm too buzzed and lazy to give a fuck.

Just as i'm about to lay down she stops me.

“What are you doing? Go lay down on the couch over there.“ She says pointing at it.

I drift my eyes to the small arm chair on the corner.

“I thought I was buzzed. That's an armchair not a couch. If I sleep on that I'm going to wake up all stiff and shit. Not happening.“

She sighs and waves me off in dismissal. “Stay on your side or you'll end up on the floor.“

I chuckle as I climb in bed beside her. “I don't remember you being a bully like this.“

Stef ignores my comment.

I have the urge to reach over and cuddle her.

It's weird because I don't really care for that type of shit.

Ever since our first encounter and our random recurring encounters, I can't go back to living my normal life without thinking about her.

I'm the nigga known not to care, but there's no mistaking she's doing a better job than me.

We're facing each other and making direct eye contact.

Neither of us look away, I move in closer. Closer until we are inches away from each other faces.

It begins with a kiss and before I know it she's riding me so good.

I'm close to release when something hits me in the face, and I realize I was dreaming.

Stef threw a pillow at me.

"If you're going to dream about fucking hoes don't do it in my room.“ She says with a disgusted look on her face and her arms crossed against her chest.

I push the pillow away, great i'm rock hard now.

If only she knew she was riding my dick in my dream.

Stef goes to the bathroom, I hear the facet running and moments later she comes out with a rag. She dries her clean face and looks at me.

I'm still lying down in bed.

“Are you not going back to your hotel?“ She asks.

“Let me take you out to breakfast first.“ I offer.

“I never took you for the breakfast type.“ She says throwing the rag aside.

I snicker. "You know a simple yes, and thank you is all I need.“

"A simple no, but thank you is better. My flight leaves at eleven.“

“It's only seven, I'll have you back before that time.“

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