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r e c a p

paz parkinson's life up until her sixth year at hogwarts.

S e p t e m b e r  1,  1 9 9 2

PAZ WAS BEYOND excited as she walked into the Great Hall, despite being soaked from head to toe due to rain, and from a fellow first year rocking their small boat too much, resulting in the lot on board to end up in the water.

But, nothing could ruin her mood.  She looked to her left, searching the Slytherin table for her older sister, Pansy.  Amidst all the chaos, though, she was unable to find her before approaching Professor McGonagall in the front of the large room.  The sorting soon began, Paz smiled when "Lovegood, Luna!" got called up.  She had spoken with her on the way to Hogwarts before Pansy and her friends infiltrated their compartment, Luna leaving quickly after.

"Parkinson, Paz!" Professor McGonagall shouted, Paz eagerly pushing people out of her way, taking a seat upon the small stool.  McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat on her head.  Paz then heard the oddly soothing voice of the Sorting Hat speaking to her and only her.

"A Parkinson?  I assume Slytherin is the correct choice for you.  But, oh, I see something in you I didn't quite see in your sister.  Perhaps Hufflepuff is the choice for you?  No, oh, no, my original choice will do just fine."

Paz smiled as the Sorting Hat shouted "Slytherin!" for the whole hall to hear.  She had finally spotted her sister, as she was now standing up from her seat, cheering the loudest from the whole Slytherin table.  Paz happily walked over to her sister and her friends, taking a seat in between Pansy and Blaise Zabini.

"Welcome home sister," Pansy giggled, wrapping her in a bone crushing hug.  Draco smiled at this.

F e b r u a r y  2 5,  1 9 9 3

GINNY WEASLEY HAD been acting odd lately, and although no one else seemed to notice, Paz certainly did.  Despite protests from Pansy, Draco, Blaise, Theo, Crabbe and Goyle, her only Slytherin friends, Paz spent most of her time with the fierce, red-headed Gryffindor.  The two got along better than most would think.

Paz noticed Ginny glued to that damn diary of hers.  Whenever asking what she wrote about inside of it, Ginny would go quiet.  Paz didn't mind, she respected her friends privacy, but she knew Ginny was hiding something, and it definitely wasn't her crush on bloody Harry Potter.  Paz didn't like Harry Potter all that much, but not for the same reasons her sister and friends didn't like him.  Paz wasn't fond of him because he seemed to think that she was the enemy simply because she was a Slytherin. 

But she knew Ginny adored the Boy Who Lived, so she put up with him, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.  She never allowed herself to grow close to them, noticing the three of them always seemed to get themselves stuck in sticky situations.

As Paz and Ginny walked to Potions with Professor Snape together, Ginny seemed more jumpy than usual. 

"You alright Gin?" Paz asked, glancing towards the diary sticking out of her friends bag.

"Just fine, why do you ask?"  Questioned Ginny, following Paz's gaze to the diary.  She stuffed it farther in her bag and out of sight to Paz.  The two didn't speak all Potions class. 

M a y  2 9,  1 9 9 3

THE WRITING ON the wall was haunting to Paz.  Paz felt as if something was wrong, so she decided to go wandering about the castle, stumbling upon two familiar boys.  She now stood behind Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, observing several Professors discussing the matter.  When they revealed it was Ginny Weasley who had been taken, Paz felt her dinner making her way back up from her stomach.

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