sixteen | darkness

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part two

THE REST OF the holiday had gone by fairly quickly.  Most of her days were spent doing nothing with Ginny, Fred and George.  Before Paz knew it, she was marching back inside of Hogwarts along side of Astoria.  She had not yet gotten a chance to see Pansy, Theo or Blaise, and was excited to enter the Great Hall so she could finally greet them.

"I've heard rumors they are cracking down extra hard this second term," Astoria whispers to Paz, attempting to be unheard by everyone else.

"Where did you hear that?" Paz questions as they finally enter a corridor and are inside of Hogwarts.

"My dad informed me.  He told me to stick by Daphne and don't do anything stupid.  I guess I'll be going against both of those things." Astoria chuckles, earning a smile from Paz.

The several groups of Slytherin march through the halls in even rows and lines, something Snape had made mandatory when being in large groups such as this.  The moment Paz stepped inside the Great Hall, she immediately walked over and took a seat at the edge of the Slytherin table, saving spots for her friends.

The seventh years were right behind the sixth years, Paz couldn't stay still in her seat, too eager to be reunited with the others.  Once getting a glimpse of Blaise, she began to wave him over to where she was.  As he emerged from the crowd, Theo and Pansy followed.  Pansy and Blaise looked pleased to see her, though Theo did not. 

Paz noticed large bags under his eyes and the relaxed look that normally rested on his face was gone, replaced by a nervous and angry looking one.

"Paz!" Pansy shrieks, wrapping her sister in a tight hug from behind before taking a seat next to her.  "How was your holiday?"

"Quiet boring," Paz sighs, "I'm sure it would have been better if I hadn't witnessed one of my best friends get snatched on the way home."

"No sign of her yet?" Blaise chimes in from across the table.  Paz shakes her head no.

After Professor Snape says a few words about stricter rules that Paz chooses to ignore, dinner for the night is finally served. Paz, having been stuffed from eating far too much candy on the way here, only had a couple bites of chicken before pushing her plate aside.

She glances up to Theo, who seems to be eating very rushed, as if he has someplace to be. Paz knew something was most definitely wrong with him, and she was determined to find out just what it was.

Once dinner ended, Paz and Pansy talked in hushed voices the entire way back to their house, Theo and Blaise right behind. They crowded and squished onto the small couch in the Slytherin common room, Paz leaning onto Theo as she continued to tell Pansy all about a book she had read over holiday.

Theo was very tense, tugging at the hem of his shirt every so often. The next time Paz noticed him doing it, she poked his bicep.

"Why are you so twitchy today?" She questions.

"Why are you so nosey today?" He shoots back, though Paz was unamused.

"When am I not nosey?" Paz asks, earning an eye roll from Theo. "But seriously, you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, now stop asking questions." He groans, clearly in a bad mood. Without saying another word, Theo stands up off the couch and leaves, heading towards his dormitory.

"Yeesh," Blaise mumbles, "That one has been in a bad mood since we got on the train."

"Did he say anything was wrong?" Paz questions, looking back and fourth between Pansy and Blaise.

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