thirty-two | breakfast

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THE PARKINSON HOUSE had never been so bright and full of life in its entire existence. Paz, Theo, Blaise and Astoria had all officially moved in, though it felt as if nearly half of the Burrow had as well. Paz and the Slytherin bunch had began sleeping in well past the normal breakfast time at the Burrow. They didn't think this would be a problem, though they all learned that none of them were skilled in the kitchen.

As July was coming to a close, everyone was beginning to receive Hogwarts letter's along with their required materials. Theo and Blaise weren't expecting ones, as their seventh year had technically ended, though four letters were awaiting the bunch as they entered the kitchen around eleven that morning.

"The bloody hell is this?" Theo questions, ripping open the letter with his name on it.

"They're inviting us back for a proper seventh year!" Blaise exclaims excitedly.

"Oh, that's wonderful! That means, technically, we're all in the same year." Astoria chimes in, Paz nodding her head in agreement.

"They want me to spend another year of my life at that place?" Theo states, making it sound like a joke.

"It'll be a real year of school, Theo.  I think it's something you both," Paz pauses to yawn,  "-should  take advantage of."

"I'd much rather do anything else." Theo snorts, then opening the fridge, searching for something edible.

Paz pushes him out of the way, grabbing the carton of eggs and some sliced ham.  She purposely avoided the bacon, knowing she didn't stand a chance in cooking it without burning her house down.

She then hears a loud pop, looking over her shoulder to see Draco waltzing into the room, who seemed to have been up for hours.

"You lot got Hogwarts letters yet?" He asks, taking a seat at the bright blue kitchen table.

"Yeah, you going back? I am." Blaise states quickly, earning surprised looks from both Draco and Theo.

"I don't think so. I've got no business being in that school, how about you Nott."

Paz ignores the three boys as she and Astoria begin an attempt at breakfast, something they had failed two days ago.  Theo and Blaise has cooked it yesterday, and it wasn't half bad.  Still pretty awful, though.

"I'm not gonna worry about that now." Paz overhears Theo say.

If it was up to Paz, Theo would be returning to Hogwarts no doubt about it.  It would be great for the whole lot of them to return and finish school, it'll help them secure solid jobs afterwards.  Right now, all they were being offered was the position of an Auror.  Paz knew an Auror was a solid gig, though, she didn't have much of a passion for it.

Around noon, after a wonderful breakfast of soggy eggs and undercooked ham, Ginny had come to visit.  Paz was so used to spending nearly every minute of her holidays with Ginny.  Now that she was no longer living in the Burrow, it left her missing her red headed friend every moment they were apart.

"What is that." Ginny asks, staring in disgust at the breakfast leftovers that were still laying on the table.

"That is breakfast.  You know I'm not skilled in the kitchen." Paz complains, watching as Ginny continues to stares at the eggs as if offended by them.

"Nothing can be worse than you and Ron burning the living hell out of that bacon last year." Ginny states, then falling into a fit of laughter upon thinking of the memory.

Paz rolls her eyes, grabbing the left over plates and tossing away the disgusting food and throwing the dishes in the sink.  Blaise was on dish wash duty today, though he loved to pretend as if he 'forgets' about it, leaving them for Paz the next morning.

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