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hello party people! as there are several things i would love to briefly cover in this final chapter, i have set it up very similar to the very first chapter i every uploaded, 'recap'. finishing this story just how i started it, happy reading!

also a quick disclaimer, cursed child is not canon in my eyes so as for the recap, i will not be including any of the plot from cursed child. (only the houses everyone got sorted into!)

J a n u a r y ,  2 0 0 1

WALKING THROUGH THE front door of her home after a long day spent at Hogwarts was Paz's favorite time of day. It was here that she was met with a lengthy hallway filled with moving photos. Some of when she was just a toddler with Pansy, some were from days spent at Malfoy Manor during their early years at Hogwarts, lots were from Paz and Theo's last year at Hogwarts, and dozens had been from the last two years out.

Theo loved pointing out the picture Ginny had taken of the pair after their very last Quidditch match, where Theo was holding up Paz and the two were kissing as if they had just won the Quidditch World Cup.

The two had been living in their home for quite some time now. As the months went by they slowly began adding on to their small house, which eventually became to look much more like the Burrow than a normal cottage.

Just as Paz had plopped down on the couch Theo had come through the front door, singing loudly to himself. It seemed as if he had the same idea as Paz, walking into the living room and taking a seat next to her.

"How was work today?" Paz asks, leaning over to give him a kiss before he could answer.

"Boring, though Harry and I did beat Blaise and Ron in a race around our department," Theo shrugs. "How about you?"

"Another busy day," Paz groans, "But it's nice knowing that I'm helping all these kids, I wish we had something like this when we were in Hogwarts."

Just as Theo was about to answer, two people apparated into the room, startling both Paz and Theo. It was Draco and Astoria, who both looked extremely excited.

"Thanks for the heads up." Theo states, Paz rolling her eyes at his sass.

"We have news." says Astoria, who could barely hold in her excitement.

"We've just gotten engaged!" Draco says quickly after, Astoria holding out her left hand, showing off her new ring.

"That's amazing news!" Paz exclaims, jumping up to pull Astoria in a hug, Theo doing the same towards Draco.

"Congratulations guys, this is huge." Theo smiles, then insisting that a celebratory dinner is in order.

The four stop by Blaise and Luna's flat so Draco and Astoria could tell them the news as well, though it seemed as if Luna was out for the week with her father on Quibbler business.

So, the gang of five Slytherin's made their way through the crowded city of London, attempting to find a nice spot to eat and speaking excitedly about the future.

A u g u s t 2 0 , 2 0 0 2

"WHO HAS THE rings? Where are Paz's shoes? Has anyone seen where Teddy has gone?" Mrs. Weasley shouts, running around the room like a chicken with its head cut off.

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