two | burnt bacon

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ANOTHER LETTER HAD arrived for Paz three days after receiving ones from Pansy and Theo.  She had been up rather early on this day, making herself a nice cup of coffee when the owl had arrived with mail. 

She lightly tosses the other letters aside, eager to open the one meant for her.  The handwriting on the front was painfully and annoyingly neat, which made it obvious to Paz that Blaise must have sent this one.  Once opening it, she pulled out a rather large piece of parchment.  She took a seat at the kitchen table before beginning to read.


Your parents found out Pansy sent you a letter.  I don't wish to go into detail upon what happened, but I am certain she will be unable to send you anymore from now on.  I will try my best to stay in contact, though, owls are beginning to get intercepted left and right, and I want you safe.  We all do.

Theo has been staying with me the past couple of days, he talks about you a lot.  It makes me want to rip my ears off, Merlin, I can't wait till we go back to school so he can see you again and shut up.

I hope you're doing well and staying safe.  We all miss you.  Once school starts back up it'll be much easier to communicate, but things are going to be much different this year, Paz.  Keep friends like Weasley, Longbottom and Lovegood close.

Write back if you have the time, all the love,

Blaise xx

Paz sighed, clutching the letter and holding it close to her heart.  Being a Slytherin but not on Voldemort's side during this mess was hard enough, but being affiliated with Death Eaters and not being in Voldemort's side, it was a death wish. 

Paz was quick to wipe away a stray tear that fell from her eyes as she folded up Blaises letter and tucked it back away in its envelope.  She put it aside and put her elbows on the table, letting her head rest in her hands. 

"It's 7:30 Paz, how could you possibly already be stressed?" A voice asks several minutes later.  Paz peaks out, her gaze being met by a smiling George Weasley. 

"Morning to you as well, Georgey." Paz jokes, getting up from her seat and making him a cup of coffee as well.  He smiles and thanks her, the two settling down at the table. 

"What's on your mind?" He questions, then taking a long sip from the coffee mug.  Paz glances to the letter, then lets out a groan of frustration.

"Too many things, George.  I'm 16 and Voldemort- oh, man up- wants me dead," Paz sighs, "I guess this is how Harry feels."

George spat out his coffee, unable to contain his laughter at Paz's last comment. 

"What's so funny?" Fred questions, walking into the kitchen with Ginny, Ron and Hermione following.  Paz glances back to George, the two stifling their laughter from the rest. 

As Mrs. Weasley had been doing so much for everyone, the small lot decided to whip up a quick breakfast before everyone else woke up.  Hermione and Fred made pancakes, George made hash browns, Ginny cut up various fruits, and Paz and Ron tried to cook up some bacon. 

"Is something, burning?" Ginny questions, glancing over towards Paz and Ron, who were quietly arguing over the stove.  Ginny locked eyes with Fred, the two then looking back towards Paz and Ron. 

"Hmm, I smell somethin' burning too." Fred states, hoping for a reaction from Paz or Ron.  Ginny and Fred watched as Paz and Ron did their best to shield the stove from the others.

Hermione and George soon too realized it began to smell like fire in the kitchen, all eyes now laying upon Paz and Ron, who were still arguing over the stove. 

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