seven | dumbledore's army

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SEPTEMBER HAD DRAGGED on for what seemed to be a full year.  Classes were becoming increasingly difficult, not that they were all that hard to pass, it was the fact that many students didn't know whether or not they would leave class alive. 

Ever since the entire Gryffindor seventh year class had stood up to defend Paz that day in class, Amycus has continuously become more and more brutal within the classroom.  Upon entering the Great Hall after one particularly difficult Dark Arts class the second week of October, Paz and Ginny sported several cuts scattered about their faces. 

"Meet after lunch?" Ginny offers, as Paz nods her head in agreement before walking to the Slytherin table. 

Theo catches her gaze, though Paz was quick to look away and take a seat alone at the very end of the table.  She hasn't spoken to Pansy, Theo or Blaise in close to three weeks, despite them going out of their way to find her nearly every day. 

Paz was finally accepting what the fact that no matter how hard she tried, no matter how much she believed in them and fought for them, they wouldn't fight back.  They would look out for themselves and only themselves.  She didn't blame them, though, she knew that they felt guilty.  They felt guilty upon the fact that one of their best friends, one's sister, was fighting for a good cause, while they hid behind closed curtains and let it all happen.

She still had hope. 

After a quick lunch, Paz waited for Ginny, Luna, and Neville to finish up their food before leaving the hall and heading inside the Gryffindor common room.  They found a quiet area to do their homework in, Seamus joining them a few minutes later.

"I think it might be time to start up the D.A. again," Neville whispers, making sure not to be overheard, "Probably should have started it right when we got back like Hannah suggested but, better late than never."

"I agree, but do you think everyone still has their coins?" Ginny questions.

"Lots of the members didn't return, including our leader." Seamus adds in.

Paz groans in annoyance. 

"Let's not focus on the negatives here.  Leave it to me to make new coins, or something along that line, and I think we've got a leader right here." Paz states.

"Who?" Neville questions, causing Paz to roll her eyes.

"You, Neville.  I think we can all agree you'll be the best at it." Paz says, the others agreeing with her. 

Neville smiles.

"Well then, in that case, let's try to start letting returning members know, and start recruiting more.  Maybe some first years, I'll let Ernie and Hannah know so they can let all the Hufflepuffs know.  Luna, let Padma, Anthony, Terry and whoever else know."

"I'm sure I can get some Slytherin's as well," Paz says, growing excited.  The smile wipes from her face as the others look at her with frowns.  "Or not.."

Ginny sighs.  "It's not that Slytherin are bad, Paz, it's just-"

"We're hard to trust, I know.  It's fine, don't worry about it." 

Paz stayed quiet as the others continued to discuss with great enthusiasm when they plan to have their first meeting by the end of this week. 

After a while she left, deciding to do some homework up in the library.  She ran into the Patil twins and Lavender Brown, quickly telling them about the possibly meeting at the end of the week to ensure no one else heard them.

Soon enough, Paz found herself trudging back to the Slytherin common room, having spent two hours in the library writing a Potions essay on Amortentia and reasons as to why it's so dangerous.  It was well past 9, which was curfew, so Paz was making sure to peak around corners before continuing to walk back.

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