extra extra extra !

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hello :) i've recently been getting so much love on golden, despite finishing it in early/mid august (of 2020).  so i thought, why not add in some of my favorite paz and theo moments that i thought up but never found a place to add in the story? 'headcanons' if you will.

what this will consist of:
- small stories that i never got to add in
- simple headcanons of things paz and theo did
- some more love to side characters <3

hope you all enjoy :)

Short Headcanons

During Paz's second year and Theo's third, they snuck to the kitchens nearly every Friday night together to fill each other in on how their weeks had gone, and stuff their faces with sweets.

Pansy and Blaise had to hold Paz back from attempting to fight Theo after she found out he had laughed when Draco called Hermione a Mudblood.

Pansy and Blaise weren't quick enough to hold Paz back from punching Draco in the face when he called Hermione a Mudblood behind her back in the Slytherin common room.  Theo didn't dare to say or laugh at the word ever again.

For Paz's 12th birthday, she, Ginny and Luna took a secret passageway that Ginny saw Fred and George take once. It lead the trio to Honeydukes, where they ate their weight in chocolate and accidentally slept through all their lessons the next day.

Remus Lupin knew Paz had a crush on him.  She would blush whenever he praised her and giggled whenever he made a horrible joke, which was very out of character for the small Slytherin.  She also once accidentally handed in an essay with 'Paz Lupin' written at the top rather than her actual last name.  Remus laughed to himself when he saw it.  With the flick of his wand it changed to Parkinson, saving her the embarrassment of realizing what she had done. 

During her second year during Professor Lupin's class, Paz was terrified to watch another students boggart turn into her mother. She was screaming louder than Paz had ever heard her scream before, going on about how much of a disappointment Paz was and how she isn't welcome in their home for being a blood traitor. Paz managed to rid of the boggart, though that night, she snuck into the Gryffindor common room and stayed with Ginny. Neither of the girls said anything, Ginny simply held onto her friend tightly and promised that her mother couldn't hurt her, especially not while she was at Hogwarts.

Theo had tried to kiss Paz at the Yule Ball, though she was too oblivious to notice.  It was during a particularly slow song, and just as Theo began to lean in, a more upbeat song came on; It just so happened to be Paz's favorite song at that moment, she was so into it she hadn't realized what Theo had tried to do.

Paz and Theo were constantly arguing with each other during Paz's fourth year and Theo's fifth.  Paz always shamed Theo, her sister and the rest of her friends for being in the Inquisitorial Squad, while they constantly grew annoyed that she wouldn't join.

Blaise sometimes would come down to the Slytherin common room extremely early in the morning to get homework done, only to find Paz and Theo passed out on the couch, books surrounding them.  Paz was usually leaning on Theo, though sometimes Paz was the one holding onto Theo loosely.  This stopped happening as often Blaise's fifth year.  By his seventh year, it didn't happen at all anymore.

Theo tried hinting to Pansy that he felt something stronger than friendship for Paz their third year, though she didn't get the message until they were well into their fifth year. 

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