thirty-four | graduation

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CHRISTMAS HAD COME and gone, the new year now rapidly approaching.  Everyone had sort of separated for the holiday.  Blaise had spent Christmas Day with his mother, Draco and Astoria spent it at Malfoy Manor, while Theo and Paz made themselves feel at home in the Burrow. 

Three days after the holiday had ended, Theo and Paz once again found themselves in the comfort and warmth of the Burrow.  Harry and Ron were both home, which helped with both Ginny's and Hermione's moods.  The small lot, including George and Percy, were all sat in the living room near the fireplace.  Nearly everyone was sporting their new sweaters that Mrs. Weasley had knit them.

Just as during the summer, there was not all that much talking going on. Most of the time, everyone seemed to enjoy sitting in each others comfortable silence. Paz found herself sprawled across the couch, her head in Ginny's lap and her legs over Theo's.

Paz was in the middle of a conversation with Harry, who was telling her a bit about his Auror training, before Mrs. Weasley called the lot into the kitchen for dinner. Theo moved very quickly, as he had been complaining to Paz over how hungry he was, which caused Paz to fall off the couch and topple onto the floor.

"Sorry!" Theo called, already in the other room.

Ginny let out a laugh, standing up herself before reaching out a hand to help up Paz, who was also laughing at her boyfriend.

"Thanks Gin." Paz says after she finally stopped laughing.

Once in the kitchen, Paz took a seat beside George, which put her at the very edge of the table with Theo and Ron across from them.

Paz helped herself to some baked ham, potatoes and gravy, piling it high on her plate. She, like Theo, was also starving.

"So, any ideas on what you're doing once you graduate Hogwarts Paz?" George asks quietly after he finishes chewing on a piece of ham.

Letting out a sigh, Paz diverts her attention towards her plate.

"No, not really. Kingsley has been in contact with me about becoming an Auror; I have the grades for it and all, but I really don't see myself taking on that profession. I honestly can't imagine a life that doesn't involve Hogwarts in it, it's sort of all I know." Paz says honestly, feeling somewhat relieved after letting all of that out.

"I've always got a spot at the joke shop for you," George smiles sweetly, earning a genuine smile and blush from Paz.

"That's very sweet of you George, I'll keep you updated on the job hunt." Paz laughs, popping a small piece of potato in her mouth.

Every time Paz attempted to think about life after Hogwarts she began to grow nauseous. At certain points in her life she felt as if she knew what she wanted to do, but nothing ever stuck for too long. At this point, she was completely clueless as to what was to come of her after graduation.

Even if she did have a job set up for herself come summer, she considered that moving on, which was something Paz was having trouble doing. Half of it was the fact that this scar still felt so raw and new, and the other half was simply that she did not want to move on. Paz didn't want to live a life without Pansy, life felt as if it was slowly getting harder and harder without her around.

Paz then took a glance around the room, watching as everyone laughed at others jokes, shared smiles together, looking completely fine. And deep inside she knew they weren't, as everyone here had suffered extreme loss. She wondered how they all stayed so strong, especially the boy sitting next to her, who had lost his twin brother. Perhaps working at the joke shop would be a good start after graduation.

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