twelve | potterwatch

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YET ANOTHER WEEK had gone by, Hogwarts getting more dangerous by the second.  Paz and Ginny were finally better from their injuries and began attending class again, as well as Michael Corner, who took several weeks to get better from his.

Paz's life had somewhat gone back to normal, as she talked to Blaise, Pansy and Theo nearly daily again.  She still was careful to keep her distance at times, though since the night they helped in saving she and Ginny from the dungeons, she had once again gone soft for them. 

On one particular Wednesday evening, she sat in the Room of Requirement, watching as members of the D.A. all practiced different spells and chatted with each other.  This was the only place most of them could let loose and not worry about getting jinxed or cursed.

"Everyone, gather round!" Neville shouts from across the room excitedly.  He then taps a radio, mumbling Dearborn, and before Paz knew it, the familiar voice of Lee Jordan was being broadcasted throughout the room.

"What-?" Ginny begins once hearing Fred's voice chatting with Lee.

"How did you figure this out?" Paz questions Neville, everyone now pushing and crowing around the small radio.

"I've been in contact with the Order lately, figured we could do with some familiar voices." Neville smiles. 

The rest of the meeting was spent listening intently to Lee Jordan and Fred Weasley, going by Royal and Rapier.  The spoke about Harry Potter, any news they've heard of them, what was going on outside the walls of Hogwarts and anything in between.  For the first time in a while, Paz felt safe.  She felt as if there was much more hope, hearing about Harry and all the others. 

"Listeners, that brings us to the end of another  Potterwatch. We don't know when it will be possible to broadcast again, but you can be sure we shall be back. Keep twiddling those dials: the next password will be 'Dumbledore'. Keep each other safe. Keep faith. Good night."  Lee's voice finally signs off, everyone in the room slightly disappointed it's over.

"How do we know when the next broadcast is?" Seamus asks, everyone else wondering the same thing.

"We'll just have to look out for it I suppose, right Neville?" Luna turns towards him, as Neville nods his head.

"Yup.  I'll keep checking daily and let everyone know when the next broadcast happens.  Well, it's nearing 8, everyone please start splitting up in groups of two's and three's.  Great work today." Neville finishes. 

D.A. members group by group left the room.  Paz and Astoria were the last to leave, rushing back to the Slytherin house.  Astoria went right up to their dormitory, though Paz decided to stay in the common room for a while and think. 

She took a seat on a small chair near the fire place, slumping back into it and letting her bag fall at her feet.  She stared into the fire, reminiscing upon the time Sirius Black's face popped up there during her fifth year.  It was very odd and she was very confused, though she did enjoy their short conversations they at times would have. 

Paz's mind then wandered to Pansy, Theo and Blaise, who she had been seeing much more of lately.  She still kept her distance from them, as she had secrets she did not wish to share, but it was nice to be speaking to them again.  Paz is aware she went slightly over board, but at the same time, she didn't regret much of what she did. 

It took her several minutes before she realized she was no longer alone, looking up to see Pansy sat in a chair across from her.  Paz smiled at her sister.

"Hi." Pansy says, a small smile creeping onto her face.

"Hello," Paz says, looking down towards her lap.

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