thirty-three | hogwarts, again

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please make sure to read (and respond if possible) my small note at the end of this chapter!! :) happy reading <3

"WE'RE LATE! WE'RE gonna miss the train!" Blaise shouts, running about the Parkinson house in a frantic manor. His trunk was levitating close behind him, bumping into the walls and furniture as it attempted to follow him in and out of every room.

"Shut up, we've got an hour." Theo, who was trying to get a few more minutes of sleep on the couch, groans, before stuffing a pillow over his face.

As Theo and Blaise were beginning an argument of when they should leave for King's Cross Station downstairs, Astoria and Paz were finishing up the last of their packing upstairs. Paz had been nervous of forgetting anything, double and triple checking that she had packed absolutely everything she could have possibly needed.

It had been a long, tiring six years, but she had finally made it. Her seventh year of Hogwarts. Her final year of Hogwarts. It felt so surreal, she couldn't process the fact that she wouldn't be returning after these next few months.

"Blaise is insisting we go," Astoria sighs as she enters Paz's room, her trunk behind her. Paz rolls her eyes.

Blaise had been the most eager of all to return to Hogwarts. So much so that he wanted to arrive to the train at nine in the morning, though Paz had convinced him that leaving at 10:15 would give them plenty of time.

"Alright, I just need one more minute. I'll meet you downstairs." Paz answers, Astoria sending her a smile before turning around and beginning down the stairs.

Paz took a seat on her bed, staring at her closed trunk and small bag on top of it. She then glanced over to her bedside table, where a framed picture of Paz and Pansy sat. Paz reached over and grabbed a hold of it, smiling as she watched her sister hug her tightly.

Feeling as tears began to swell in her eyes, Paz placed the picture inside of her bag before mumbling a charm under her breath so her trunk and bag would follow close behind her. She then picked up Nott the Pygmy Puff, who had been jumping around her room all morning, and placed him on her shoulder.

The two made their way down the stairs and entering the living room, where, to Paz's surprise, Draco was standing. Alongside Draco was his trunk.

"You moving in while we're leaving or something?" Paz jokes, earning an eye roll from Draco.

"If only, Parkinson. Someone," Draco glances over to Astoria, "Convinced me to return to school."

"A wise choice, if I may say so myself," Blaise chimes in. "Can we go now? It's 10:20, we're five minutes behind schedule."

"Oh shut it, Zabini." Theo, who was still laying on the couch, groans. In retaliation, Blaise picks up the pillow covering his face before beginning to hit him with it.

Theo attempted to ignore it, though after five or six hits eventually had enough and sat up. He pushed Blaise away before rubbing his eyes and slowly standing up, somewhat resembling what Paz would think a zombie would look like.

Mr. Weasley had arranged a Ministry car to pick up the small lot. Once it had arrived and they all piled in, the driver had to make several trips back to the Parkinson house, as each person kept realizing that they had forgotten something.

By the time they finally arrived to King's Cross Station, it was 10:50. Blaise had practically pushed everyone out of the car in fear of missing the train. Paz thanked the driver as everyone grabbed their trunks from the back of the car and placed them each on their own carts, along with the rest of their belongings. The five then began off towards the middle of platforms nine and ten, easily passing through the barrier to reappear on Platform 9 3/4.

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