thirteen | a shot

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TO PAZ'S DISAPPOINTMENT, Neville couldn't find a new Potterwatch broadcast the next week to come.  The D.A. has turned into more of a safe place than a place to learn for most of the members.  The younger and newer members spent most of their times learning jinx's and spells, though the older members mainly sat around and used this as a time to relax.  It was the only place in the entire castle where they couldn't be barged in upon, leaving most of them at ease. 

Astoria was quick to fit in with everyone, she and Lavender getting along quite well.  Paz was happy to see that Slytherin stereotypes were being broken.  Although it was happening slowly, it was still happening, and it could only get better from here.

After a meeting one night towards the end of November, Paz and Astoria walked quietly back to the Slytherin house. As they were heading up to their dormitory, Theo had pulled Paz away from Astoria with a smirk.

"Yes?" Paz questions Theo as he drags her back towards the exit.

"It's time to take some risks!" Theo exclaims, as Paz begins to pull back. Theo stops in his tracks, looking heavily disappointed.

"I told you Theo, I can't risk this, you know that."

Theo lets out a loud groan of frustration before ultimately leading Paz back to his dormitory instead. She was quite confused as to what was going on, but decided to go with the flow of things anyways. It was nice to be around Theo, she had missed him.

She was also very confused as to where they stood. They had shared a few kisses, though, she didn't know what they meant to him. Paz was hoping they meant a big deal to him, as they meant a big deal to her. She figured she would ask eventually, though, probably not tonight.

"I guess no risks means this." Theo huffs, opening the door into his dormitory to reveal a very small and sad looking fort next to his bed. It was made out of blanket, pillows, and several chairs holding everything up. Paz let out a loud giggle.

"You are such a loser, Nott!" Paz exclaims, laughing at Theo's creation.

"I had to plan for you rejecting my risk idea, so this is the best you're gonna get." He states, walking over and entering his sad looking heap of blankets. Paz lets out another laugh before following him inside. It was even smaller than she had imagined. At this point, Paz was practically sitting on top of Theo, though neither of them seemed to mind.

"Despite this being a very sad excuse for a fort, it was a very sweet idea Theo." Paz smiles, pinching one of his cheeks. He scrunches his nose and pulls his face away.

"Hmm." Theo mumbles, laying back against some blankets. As he does this, several blankets fall from the sides of the small fort and come crashing down on top of Theo and Paz. The two attempt to reassemble the fort, though give up and result to laying on Theo's bed.

Paz made sure to snuggle up quite close to Theo. He wraps an arm around her and holds her close. Theo wishes nothing more than for this year to go back to normal, how it should have gone in the first place. He couldn't help but imagine all the different date ideas he had in mind, hating the idea that a dumb fort was the best he could give Paz right now.

"Maybe after Christmas holiday we can try to make a nicer fort." Paz states, which causes Theo to smile and hold her tighter.

"I miss just the two of us hanging out." Theo mumbles, turning to face Paz as she does the same.

"Me too." Paz agrees. Theo reaches his hand out to push a strand of hair out of Paz's face. Every time Theo saw Paz he swore she somehow had managed to get more beautiful. He was so, so in love with the girl laying beside him, but no matter how much he wanted to tell her, he knew he couldn't.

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