twenty | breakdowns

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INSIDE OF THE Slytherin common room, Paz was sprawled across the couch, her legs on top of Theo's lap.  Although she would be attending a D.A. meeting in a few short minutes, she had no motivation to get up.  She was quite comfortable in her current position, and she enjoyed being in Theo's presence.

Although the two hadn't talked all that much the past two days, Paz found herself in Theo's company more than ever.  She tried to pretend that there wasn't a war happening within and beyond Hogwart's walls.  When she was with Theo, there was no war.  There was just him.  Of course, with him came his Dark Mark, though Paz was figuring out a way to work on that.

As the clock got closer to six, she eventually excused herself from Theo and grabbed her bag, tossing it over her shoulder before leaving the common room.  Paz walked up to the seventh floor, waiting at a corner for Blaise.

It was his first meeting and he was more excited than Paz had anticipated.  She couldn't begin to imagine why, his life was at stake, but she didn't mind.  Blaise had finally seen through his parents beliefs and found his own.  That was all that mattered at this point.

"Paz!" A voice whispers loudly.  Paz glances over to spot Blaise, nearly running down the hallway. Once he finally reaches her, he smiles as he attempts to catch his breath. "This is exciting, isn't it?"

"I suppose, but I've already warned you Blaise. It took everyone a while to warm up to Astoria, I don't want you to take it to heart if everyone seems cold towards you. It's nothing against you, everyone is just in high alert right now." Paz warns.

Blaise states he doesn't mind, though Paz was sure he would feel differently in a few short minutes.

Once the door appears, which blows Blaise away, the two enter the room. The chatter that had been previously going on slowly began to stop, everyone glancing over at the pair. Paz looks over at Blaise, who was smiling warmly towards everyone.

"Hello." He raises his voice slightly, coughing awkwardly afterwards.

The room stays quiet until Ginny, who had just recently returned to attending D.A. meetings, spoke up.

"Lovely to see you Blaise," she spoke warmly, sending him a smile. "We were just about to work on disarming spells if you would like to join?"

Blaise nods his head eagerly, looking at Paz before hurrying off to Ginny. Paz mouthed a 'thank you' to Ginny, who simply smiled and waved her off. Paz then walked over to Seamus, who was slumped in a chair with a frown on his face.

"Extra chipper today, aren't you Finnegan?" Paz states, taking a seat next to him, letting her bag fall to the ground beside her. He lets out a groan.

"Been worrying a bit." Seamus states.


"Everything if I'm being honest, but especially Dean. Who knows where he is, if he's alive for that matter."

Paz sighs, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure he's fine, you know how smart Dean is. We will get to see his face soon enough, I promise." Paz squeezes his shoulder assuringly before dragging him over to the rest of the group in attempt to get his mind off of his best friend.

While some work on disarming spells, Paz, Seamus and Terry find comfort in practicing their Patronus charms. Although they are nearly perfect, a little practice wouldn't hurt them.

Paz kept stealing glances over at Blaise, who was working with Ginny and Astoria. She couldn't hide the obvious smile that was spread across her face.  It was evident that most other D.A. members were not fond of Blaise joining, though Paz knew she could depend on Ginny of all people to welcome him with open arms.  She couldn't begin to explain how happy she was to finally have her back.

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