five | hogwarts

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quick a/n: astoria greengrass is two years behind neville and one behind paz, though i wrote her as a sixth year for this story, hope it's not too big a deal!

PAZ WAS THRILLED to find Neville and Luna waiting for her and Ginny on Platform 9 and 3/4.  They were quick to hop on the Hogwarts Express, saying their goodbyes to their families.  The group of four found an empty compartment and sat down inside of it, Seamus Finnegan and Hannah Abbott soon joining.

"I wanted to write to you guys, but ever since I heard what happened at the wedding, I was nervous it would get intercepted."  Neville stated, looking rather disappointed.

"Oh hush up Neville, it's no big deal at all." Ginny smiles assuringly to Neville.

"As long as we're all safe, that's all that matters right now," Paz begins, noticing someone is missing, "Where's Dean?"

Seamus sighs, looking down and fiddling with his thumbs.  "On the run, the Ministry would snatch him right up if they got a hold of him, so he didn't come back this year."

An unsettling silence fell over the small group, Hannah being the first one to speak up.

"I think, I think we should start up the D.A. again, what do you guys think?" She asks, looking towards Neville for approval.

"I think that's a brilliant idea Hannah, what about you guys?" Neville motions to the others in the compartment, who all seem to nod in approval. 

The trip to Hogwarts was long and boring, the six children taking their guesses on how this year at school would be run.  Once finally arriving, they were immediately separated by house, then by year, and placed in groups upon walking inside the school. 

Paz kept looking behind her at the seventh years, trying to find her sister amongst the crowd.  She figured she would find her once heading to the Great Hall, so Paz turned back around and followed her fellow Slytherin sixth years into the castle.

"How're you, Paz?" A small voices asks, Paz turning to her right to find Astoria Greengrass.

"Quite alright, and you?"

Astoria thins out her lips, "I think we've all been better."

Paz never found herself deliberately hanging around Astoria or her older sister, Daphne, though Astoria was the only sixth year Slytherin that Paz was comfortable speaking to. She hoped she would recruit her to the D.A. through out the course of this year, she was hoping to recruit several Slytherin's into the D.A. this year, but it was a tricky job.

Upon entering the Great Hall, Paz stood on her tip toes, trying to find her sister.

"Paz!" A voice shouts, Paz looking down the table, her eyes finally landing on her sister. She walked as quickly as possible over to her, immediately wrapping her in a hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you."

Paz smiles, the familiar scent of Pansy's strawberry shampoo filling her nose, "It's good to see you as well sister."

Paz took a seat next to hear, immediately attempting to catch each other up on what the other had done over the summer holiday. It wasn't until Blaise cleared his throat, rather loudly, that their conversation was put to a halt.

"Earth to Paz, we've been pretty damn worried about you as well." Blaise states, Paz chuckling as she says hello to him and Theo, who sit across from she and Pansy.

"You do something to your hair?" Theo questions, Paz's hand reaching up to touch her hair.

"Oh, yeah, Ginny has been doing it for me every morning, easier to manage. Do you like it?" She questions, looking around at her three friends.

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