twenty-two | wild card

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THIS TIME OF year, the weather was usually getting warmer and filled with sun showers.  This year, however, it was the opposite.  Rain storms were common, and the temperature, that was slowly starting to get warmer, was somehow much colder than before.  Life at Hogwarts had somehow managed to get even more miserable.

Although spirits were down, this did not stop the students from continuing to fight back against the administration.  Paz was delighted to see this, and was also surprised once she realized some of the professors were acting as if this was her fourth year all over again.  They were secretly fighting back as well, just as they did when Umbridge was attempting to rule over Hogwarts.

Peeves was the most mischievous of all.  Paz hadn't seen much of him the first half or so of the year, but once he realized there was trouble to be caused, he returned from the shadows.  Whenever she passes by him in the halls, she sends him a quick thumbs up, and he responds jokingly with a salute. 

Despite all of this, Paz was still finding it hard to do as much as get out of bed in the morning.  There was always a heavy weight on her chest, and it only increased when Theo had left several days ago. 

Many students had noticed Theo's absence and were confused, casually asking Blaise, Pansy and Paz where Theo was, though they all responded the same.

"I don't have a clue." Paz shrugs, waving off a seventh year Slytherin boy who was wondering where Theo had gone. 

"I can't believe he left without telling us anything." Blaise frowns, sitting across from Paz in the Slytherin common room.

"I think we can all assume what it's for, Blaise." Pansy says honestly, earning a nod from Blaise.  Paz stays silent.

"If it wasn't for his parents he would never have gotten that damn thing." Blaise states in an angry manor, "Especially his father."

"Possibly.  I don't think any of us would have ended up the way we are if it wasn't for our parents." Pansy says.

"Yeah, Paz is the only exception of course." Blaise jokes, tapping his foot onto Paz's leg.  "Right?"

"Hmm?" Paz says, barely listening to their conversation.  "Oh, yes.  Sure."

Theo was bound to return any day now, and Paz was excited for his arrival.  She knew she shouldn't be, though she was.  Perhaps the trip had gone bad, and he would finally join her.  It was a long shot, though it was the only thing keeping Paz going most days. 

After growing bored of listening to Pansy and Blaise speak of their up and coming N.E.W.T's, which Paz genuinely did not believe would be happening this year, she excused herself and left the common room.

She walked to the Great Hall and decided to have an early dinner, hoping to catch up with Ginny afterwards.  On the way there she just so happened to pass by Snape, who gave her an odd look as he walked in the opposite direction.

Once arriving to the Great Hall, she took a seat at the Slytherin table by herself and piled her plate high with food.  While eating, she was constantly looking over to the Gryffindor table and the entrance, trying to spot Ginny or Neville. 

Paz was interrupted when someone had sat far too close for her own comfort.  Looking to the now taken spot next to her was Crabbe, Goyle on the other side of him, both looking more smug than usual.  Paz rolled her eyes and shifted over a bit to make space.

"Haven't heard anything from Nott, have you Parkinson?" Crabbe questions, though he seems as if he knew exactly what he was doing.

"None of your business Crabbe." Paz states, refusing to look back over at the two.

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